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Up at 1130A. After dinner Smitty & I were told to be ready to leave so we packed everything and I went to the Photo lab to say good-by to Mary & Ken. We are now finished until Spring. Mary was as beautiful as ever, god I love that kid. We both seem so much closer lately. If I was stationed at Pepperrell I'm sure I could make her forget her boy friend in Montreal. She promised to send me her picture and write. We went to Torbay and loaded all the eqpt abord. Some chump [[X1$? curse sub]] stole my B-2 goggles and that means I'm out $10.50. On the way up I took a few movies and also lost the near finder of the B-1 camera. Had chow cleaned up read about 20 letters I had at the barracks. No second show so I stopped at the lab awhile. Read awhile & then to be to dream about "Red"-Mary. 01230A.