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WEA. Clear
January 8
Ther. 25

Up at 1030A. I read most of the day and then late in the afternoon I had my pants pressed at the Co. J tailor. After supper I went into the USO and then over to the Norrises. Alecia and I then went back to the USO where we saw "Star Spangled Rhythm." Even though I did see it before I enjoyed it very much. Alicia liked it too. God. She is such a sweet kid and very quick witted. She reminds me so much of Joan and H. B. Kanski, pure, sweet, and unspoiled young girls. That one reason why I enjoy Mary and Alecia's company especially Mary's. After the show I took Alecia home and before I left we had a little lunch. Mary was very tired when she returned from play practice. Walked out to the fort. Bed 0130A.