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WEA. Cloudy-Clear 
January 20 
THER. 20

Up at 0930A. I dressed and caught the bus into the Cathedral where I attended 1100A Mass. I didn't see any of the Norrisses as I came back to the Fort after I had a little lunch at the M.S.O. I changed clothes and went back into St. Johns where I picked up Alicea & Mrs. Norris and we went ice skating at Buntons Pond. The ice was quite rough * but I had a swell time skating with Alicea. She is such a sweet kid. Her disposition is much better than Marys and you can have a swell time with her every time where Mary seems to have a natural distrust for all men and she first won't leave her hair down and have a good time. I don't blame her for being on the alert a little but she exaggerates it to much. I had supper at Norrises and after Alicia and I again went skating at Buntons where we met Mary and the gang. I had a grand time skating and when we came back we danced until it was time for me to leave. I [[?]] was up to see Mary. Walked to the fort. Bed 0130A.