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WEA. Snow. Clear. 
January 15
Ther. 20

Up at 11 30 A. After lunch went down to the lab and finished up the shots of fog and Bonavista Bay. Mary looked a little tense and when I invited  to dinner she brushed me off, politely of course. Why I don't know? After supper I went into the USO had something to eat then I went over to Norrises. Mrs., Cookie, Mary & I played Chinese checkers for a while. Mary played the piano and then she went to bed because of her cold. She was very sweet again and I think the reason she refused dinner was because of her cold. Had tea with Mr. Jones and then I took the C-3 and started for the fort. The bus refused to stop at Ralliers Cross for me so I had to carry it all the way back. Bed 01 00 A.