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WEA. Cloudy - Snow - Clear
January 22
THER. 10

Up at 093DA. I went down to the lab where I picked up the negs. I developed last night. They were quite good, one swell shot of Fort Pepperrell. After lunch I returned to the lab where I helped Mary & Ken with a little of their work.  Mary sure has changed during this past week she hasn't that distant feeling anymore.  Maybe my continuous razzing has helped to break her down. She is swell and I have a hard time holding on to myself. I know nothing can be done about Mary but still I hold on and hope for the best. But I'm not worried I'm sure I can take care of myself. After supper I went to the show. "You were never Lovier" with Hayworth and Astair. It was very good. I then went skating for awhile and then took a shower and to bed. About 2400A.

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