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WEA. Clear Cloudy  January 25  THER. 25

Up at 0915A. I dressed and went down to the Eng. Lab and helped Mary & Ken. Ken made some infra red shots of a mans eye scorched by life and they were very good. Light was extremely painful to the patient so the use of infra red, black out lamps proved very effective. Mary and I made some 8x10's of a party where they used a comode bowl for a punch bowl and they called it the fountain of youth. Each day Mary begins to mean more and more to me and she seems to do so willingly. Maybe she's beginning to care a little to. I was to go to a dance with her tonight but the frontline wasnt lifted so she ask me if she could ask someone else. That did surprise me a little. Received my mail from Gander. Today had 32 letters. Uncle Geo died about the ninth.
 Aunt Lizzie sent me a dollar. Helped Vern Oak after supper. Made some 8x10's of Mary.Bed 0200A. Wrote a letter to Aunt Theresa.