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WEA. Cloudy. February 1           THER. 25

Up at 0630A. After breakfast Halat and I went down to the hanger and about 0900. Lt. Maunch took us up in the 83. A20-C.  What a ride we had we really buzzed the field. Top speed was 340MPH the fastest I've gone so far.  After dinner we packed and took off for Torbay. We landed about 1500A and by the time we unloaded everything and got into Ft. Pepperrell it was 1700A Dropped some eqpt. off at the Eng. Lab and saw Mary. I could tell she was both surprised and glad that I got back so soon. After I took a shower I went into Norrises and they certainly gave me a big welcome and it was grand to see them again. Mary was supposed to go to a practice but it was cancelled so we danced and then later she showed me her camera eqpt. The spot lights and 8X10 Agfa Camera are the best, but on the stands and enlarger. I'm afraid she took a licking.  It was cold out in her studio. Mary was continually near me and we held one another so close. Once I had my arms