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WEA. Snow February 2 THER. 28
Up at 0900A. I went down to the Lab and mixed some Hypo during the morning and some DIS-60a during the afternoon. I developed some aerial shots and they are all good but very Contrasty. Mary was sweet again. Once when I held her close so that our cheeks touched she pulled away a little but then gave in what a necking we had. Wow. J. King had a date with Mary as I had a blind date with a friend of hers. Joan Bradshaw, who is a WAAF & a Sgt. too.  Blonde, Blue eyes and very sweet. Went up to the U.S.O. after supper and then I picked Joan up. Met her mother and they have a grand home at 61 Military Road. Phone 999. She is a Newfie in the WPS at Torbay. Went to the radio show at the USO and later we danced. Saw J. King & Mary. After the dance picked up Joan's kid at her house and there she caught the bus to Torbay. Bed 0130A. Very nice kid.