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Wea. Snow - Wind
February 27
Ther. 15
Up at 0830A. I worked at the lab all day. We got
paid at 1300A. I drew $84.72 and again I didn't
receive any flying pay. I now have about
$150- coming. This morning Ken Gunse called
from Lt. Peppernell and wanted to know if we
had any aerial shots on ships harbor at 
Argentia. We didn't have any of these so he ask
if I wanted to talk to Mary? It was wonderful
to hear her say hello in [[strikethrough]] that [[strikethrough]] her unusual
tone of voice.  It was like a dream coming
true to talk to her again.  We talked for about
ten minutes.  I told her about my possible
chance of a pass and she was all excited.
Her voice was so pleasing that I'm sure
that she misses me. I just can't forget her.
Went to the show after chow. "City without
men". P- poor. Read awhile bed 0100A.