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Wea. Clear
February 28
Ther. 30
Up at 0630A. Mac and I had breakfast and 
then we went down to Hanger 10. There was
room for only one on the B-17E so I took
it.  We flew north then east until
we were just off the tip of Greenland
and then back to the base.  The time
was somewhere around 7 hrs. I
slept most of the time because it was 
a very motonaus trip.  I shot a 100' of 
16 mm around the hanger. Mac got
a ride in the 1030A B17. He was all
excited because it was his first trip.
After supper I went to the show "Wake
Island" a beautiful picture, the photo-
graphy was wonderful, superb. Wrote
to Clayton, read awhile and then to
bed by 0115A.