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Wea. Clear    March 8       Ther. 20

I got up at 1000A.  Had breakfast with Mrs. Norris after which we had a very enlightening talk.  Shared an awful lot about Mary and Mrs. knows I'm in love with her and she said she would love to have a son like me.  I know now that everyone is on my side now all I have to do is convince Mary.  Made arrangements at tea for Wednesday. " did some shoping and then went back to Norrises.  When Mary came home from work we sat by the fire and I gave her a watch for a little gift.  At first she didn't want to take it but she gave in quick.  She was so overwhelmed that she almost cried.  She looks so beautiful by the fire, her red hair, her reddish complection and her sweet figure looked divine.  After supper she dressed and we went down to the Field college to a dance.  Fred Willit jaloped and the music was grand and Mary & I had a wonderful time.  She insisted that I hold her close all the time.  We just talked in whispers and touched most all the time.  We sat up in the balcony and when I put my arm around her and when she put her head next to mine I knew she loves me as much as I love her but she's afraid of Bob back in her mind.  Walked home under the stars.  Had hot chocolate and then to bed at Norrises.  0200A.