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WEA. Clear   
March 9  
THER. 20

Up at 1000A. Mary didn't go to work this morning. She got up at 1130A. She continually puts her arms around me and hangs on for dear life. And each time I thrill through & through. Walked down to the bus with her and from there I checked on TCA went out to the Fort and cleaned up. Bought a box of candy for Mary. Took a few and then went up to Norrises again. When Mary came home from work we sat before the fire while Mrs. got supper ready. When Mary leaned on my sholder and looked into my eyes I just couldn't resist telling her that I loved her. She said "Please Johnny don't say that". But I knew she did so I said it again. Her eyes grew moist and we just looked at one another for a long while. Mrs then called us for supper. After supper we went to the show. "They Flew Alone" at the "Mickle". When we came back I played Chinese checkers and ate candy. When Mrs Norrises company went home we danced awhile and then sat before the fire. When I was ready to leave I took Mary in my arms and kissed her several times. I knew then that we both loved one another and that everything was so new to her that she just didn't know what to do. I know now that she's mine now completely. I slept at the Fort tonight. Bed 0230A.

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