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WEA. Clear   March 10   THER. 30

Up at 930 A. Went down to the lab and said goodby to Ken Vern Oak and the gang. Bummed a movie reel from Ken. Took all my luggage into TCA and then I went up to Norrises. Mary only had a short time for lunch but we did have a few minutes together again. I held her hand and she ran her fingers through my hair while we just looked at one another. She is beautiful and the most wonderful girl I've ever known. I walked down to the Bus with her and then I came back to Norrises where I had lunch and waited for time to go down to the Hotel. Both Mrs. and Cookie kissed me good-by and said I would be welcome whenever I chose to visit them. I took a taxi out to Torbay where I got on the TCA and came back to Gander. Took all my things up to my room came down to the lab and filled in my diary and looked over 500' of 16 mm film that just came back. Most of it was quite good.