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WEA. Clear. Snow 
March 15
Ther. 25

Up at 0830A. Spent the morning teaching the fellows how to operate the projector. Lt. Merriam came in and we showed him the movies we made during January. He told me that last Monday he ask Mary for a date to go to the 8th Airways party but she refused because I was down there on pass. It's a wonderful feeling to know that you are liked so much and I do love Mary too. I hope I get a letter from her soon. After supper I bowled with Mac, Cheneski, Ramsy, and Spaulman. We beat Bay 11 by 50 pins. My score was 125 and 116 which is terrible. Wrote a letter to Helen Beth at the lab. Started a book on Sexology and so far it's very interesting. Bed 0100A. Had a wonderful dream about Mary.