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WEA. clear cloudy
July 7
THER. 80

Up at 1000E. Went over to Smiths and Mr Ewings. It is so wonderful to be home again, it doesn't seem like a year since I was home last. Sis, mother & daddy are still the same but Jean & James have grown considerably. Jameses voice sounds just like Doneys, so much so that I look around once in awhile and expect to see Doney. Got some gas at Scholoders without a unit stamp. Called H.B. from Apex Cleaners. Met H.B. about 1700E and went to the show in St. Marys a war picture as usual. H.B. sat close and I was a little surprised at her enthusiasm. Picked daddy up at Speers. On the way over to the Burg. H.B. curled up close. We stayed in the car and listened to the Radio until 0200E. What a mugging session we had. She seems lonesome and since I'm the only guy around we just held onto one another, other then that I'm sure I mean nothing else to her.