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WEA. Clear. 
July 18
THER. 95

Up and went to 0830E mass. Before dinner I took pictures of the family. Clayton came up and took a few shots of all of us together. I spent most of the day getting my things together. I went out to Sebring a few minutes and then out on a farm and saw Pattie Wagner. What a babe she is. I feel sorry for her in a way but then she ask for it. Stayed with the family until train time. I hated to go but I had no choice, how I hope I can get home again soon. Said good-by and rode with Deo Simback, 2nd Lt. Jonny [[Stablow?]] and Pfc Sander Rupprect[[?]]. It seemed strange to see all four friends in uniform. Daddy was very emotional again, he is swell, the best. Stopped at Emporium and saw R Gordon & A. Leavy. Rita gave me a swell medal. I kissed both of them and I think Gordon liked it. She seems to have loosened up a little since last Monday. If only she wouldn’t be so coy & idealistic.