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WEA. Clear- Cloudy
September 26

Went to 1160A Mass. Shot a ball game between the all stars and the 71st. We lost again but we still are champ of the base. About 1600A took many shots with Red Russo at the art club for the "proppaganda"[[propaganda]].I had plenty of shots in the first paper and at the rate I'm going I'll have plenty more in the coming issue. Went to the show with Paul Robert & Phil, wrote home & to Midge. Her letters help a lot to keep up my morale. She still wants to marry me. Mac and I have plans for St Marys. After this war and I think we can make it go. A good job will pay off, I know. Our display at the gym is really taking the show. Karesky came in today. Good to see him back.