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It is not given to every one to see these things alike, and even a little wrangling itself may be necessary at times for the purpose of elucidating itself may be necessary at times for the purpose of elucidating its more essential principles, [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]], when deliberations are going on, without causing harm, as long as we keep the door of the temple barred to the high wrangler, who is ever at hand to dispute the progress of all that is good. 

Satan is a spurt of no mean appearance, and if we are to beleive the scriptures God himself deigns to hold conversation with him at times. He appears in the majesty of a concert that gives evidence of his power. He [[strikethrough]]defined[[/strikethrough]] defied the Almighty to prove the unswerving integrity of the man of NZ, and accepted the wager of skin for skin that he could make Job curse his maker to his face; and in this we may find the strongest admonition against his power. It is sometimes hard to discern the wickedness that is clothed in fascinating garb, and Satan never appears in shabby apparel. He speaks with an oily tongue, and whispers in the ears of the innocent with soothing accent, and prove his plausible arguments makes us beleive, that he has Cities, if not Empires to give away. His cities and his great gifts, as some of our own immediate neighbors may testify, are often realised in "black fridays" and sandstone prison houses. 

But let the dead bury the dead! Our work is to prevent the evil and to promote the good, and to leave a record for those who come after us, that they may accept as a [[strikethrough]]legacy of[[/strikethrough]] heritage from worthy ancestors, and that we shall not feel ashamed of having transmitted to them. [[strikethrough]]necessary.[[/strikethrough]