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After Christianity had labored for nearly two thousand years, we find its new dispensation in Spiritualism. The pharisees and publicans of these later days may scoff and ridicule its behests and divinations as much as did those of old the first coming of Christ, it does nevertheless speak to Pilate and Agrippa with the same determination as did the inspired servants of its earlier missions. 

Christ the Saviour of mankind who was born in flesh and blood, and who tarried in the world in accordance with the laws of humanity and its generations, and during that time lived as man should always live a sober and a pious life, preaching good will among men; and who, in all his day and generation gave constant proof of the use and power of Spirit force, left us not in doubt or ignorance of [[strikethrough]] the necessity of invocation in processing the knowledge and comforts pertaining to our coming salvation. [[/strikethrough]] its workings. It was He who laid the foundation of Spiritualism! After he was crucified dead and buried he continued to communicate x in the spirit with his devoted friends. And that there should be not a shadow of doubt left in the minds of those who toiled with him in the restoration of Godly principles for the rule and action of mankind, he made his appearance in [[strikethrough]] person in such a manner [[/strikethrough]] such an unmistakable manner as to leave not even a doubting Thomas to question the truth and certainty of Spiritual manifestation. 

We might quote a hundred sayings of Jesus to illustrate his faith and power in the calling to his aid the divine force that comes from the source of all power and to which St Paul referred in his most eloquent speech [[strikethrough]]in the aeropagus off hand style[[/strikethrough]] on mars hill where he spoke of the power in which we live and move and have our being. X It is that life without [[strikethrough]]us[[/strikethrough]] that can move, and he moved, by the life [[strikethrough]] without [[/strikethrough]] within us. When the corporeal body crumbles into dust and liberates the Spiritual body it had compassed. It proves precisely the corelation that existed between the two as they were matured into form and fashion, when the crude and the abstract gave it life and being. I am not essaying, [[strikethrough]]my friends[[/strikethrough]], to prove [[strikethrough]] to you [[/strikethrough]] the truth of Spiritualism. I might as well attempt