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Electricity of Instinct.

When the science of Electricity shall be comprehensively established so that we shall be enabled to fully understand all its laws, and the relation of these laws to life and health, we may look for a better stand point from which to view those mysterious changes our life giving planet is subject to, in its meteorological aspects.

The simple foundations upon which all the sciences must necessarily be reared, that is, the correlation and conservation of forces - motion per se, brings us much nearer to the arcanuni of causation than we have heretofore been allowed to approach. It is not too much to assume that upon this one great and mysterious agent, motion, all other and minor agencies depend. Life _animal and vegitable, indeed all life, first manifests itself in motion. Animal life, in its [[strikethrough]] miccroufic [[/strikethrough]] earliest embryotic development is first exhibited in a minute speck, gradually vibrating itself into an elongated filament with brain matter at one end, and muscular tissue at the other, accreting to itself matter for form and life agreeably to the source from which the elemental monad sprung, and the matrix in which it is about to be moulded. 

And while we have not yet so closely scrutineses the microscopic development of how great oaks from little acorns grow, it is not episoding from the general law of nature to assume that vegetable life mounts up from its elemental germ into the full growth of maturity, under the same laws and coordinate processes which govern and direct the animal creation. Over the conglomerated crystals speak to us in the language and form of mathematical and geometrical figures. The spontaneous generation of the life forms from the pulverized quartz where acted upon by electrical motion, may yet reveal to our microscopic scruting that the womb, or elitrisoia, formed [[strikethrough]] from the [[/strikethrough]] in its menstrunum [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] is nothing more than a little world in which the monads have their