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When it is considered that we do not know to this day from whence the source of electricity in cloud phenomena - whether in storms it is a primary or a resultant - whether there is one kind, or two kinds developed in a thundergust - whether the thunderbolt makes its detonation forcing its passage through the air, or in its percussion upon more solid matter - whether the bolt darts from one cloud to another, or whether it invariably darts to the earth, we should use reasonable means to find out. 

The European scientists shot arrows into the air to learn something of atmospheric electricity. Franklin, always practical, not being able to get up in the cloud himself, sent up his representative - the kite, and in a moment demonstrated a fact, which for a thousand years had been held in abeyance - the identity of cloud and machine electricity. The great philosopher, fearing the ridicule of the unlearned over a man flying a kite, went clandestinely out to bush hill, under cover of his son, to try the mission of his aerial messenger, and it proved and settled the long mooted question.

The Air-ship is destined to settle the question of the relation of atmospheric, with terrestrial electricity, and how this all pervading agent-gravitation per se - or intrinsic motion - or vis-vitae, or whatever we may term it, is to be appropriated to our common welfare - for in it we live, and move, and have our being.