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[[newspaper cut]]
JANUARY 2, 1855.

The Whig says " we are not less mortified than surprised at the language employed by the Washington Sentinel towards the Whigs of Virginia.-  he tone of that journal is usually so courteous, spectful, and dignified that we never anticipated could indulge in expressions of a character so plent and abusive, especially in regard to any rty at the South." The following is the paragraph from the Sentinel, alluded to by the Whig: "To obtain power they (the Whigs of Virginia) em to be willing to [[italics]] embrace any leper, [[/italics]] no matter how foul his sores may be, provided he has a vote, and to [[italics]] fraternise with any assassin, [[/italics]] no matter how andoned, provided he hates the Democratic party, and will [[italics]] use his stiletto [[/italics]] against Democratic candidates."
The Baltimore Patriot has replied to this asset [[obscured]] on, assuming that the reason why the Sentinel has such a bad opinion of the Whigs of Virginia just this time, is that it "apprehends they will not ake a party nomination, but will adopt that of the American party." The Whig has no doubt that this is the true solution; but without now en [[obscured]] rsing the Patriot's opinion that this is the true [[obscured]] nurse for the Whigs of Virginia to pursue, says the Democrats, at least, may expect no aid or com- [[obscured]] from them. It considers the "embarge of [[obscured]] cofocoism far more corrupt and far more de- [[obscured]]  ding than the embrace of the Know Nothings." Says in conclusion:
"If Know Nothingism is a "leper" an an "assas-[[obscured]]" the thing you call modern Democracy is a much [[italics]] fouler [[/italics]] "leper" and a much more [[italics]] abandoned [[/italics]] [[obscured]] sassin." But instead of being either, we are [[obscured]] nd to recognise it, in many of its features and [[obscured]] s, as far as we understand them, as rather the embodiment of Reform, before whose giant thread [[obscured]] nagogues and Demagogueism shall perish away. [[obscured]] he[[italics]] Penny Post [[/italics]] introduces the new year with [[obscured]] he reflections upon the day. It opposes the [[obscured]] version of New Year's day here, into a Virginia