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Arrival of the Aeronauts.

Prof. Wise has just returned to the city from his balloon voyage, accompanies by his niece and grandson. He informs us that he landed at Vineland, N.J., some thirty-four miles south of Camden. At that place he left Mrs. Ihling, who was escorted to the hotel by Portius Gage Esq., and the balloon being thus lightened, he cast off again and made a "sunset ascension" in the most successful manner.
After remaining up long enough to take some special observations he again descended, this time in the vicinity of Millville, some miles below Vineland. He states as one result of his trip that he found the law of temperature reversed, the air growing warmer as a greater altitude was attained, until at a heighth [[height]] of 6,000 feet it reached 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
The whole party are considerably scorched by the intense heat and force of the sun's rays and are resting this morning quietly at their respective homes. Prof. Wise's detailed report will appear in to morow's issue together with the experience of Mrs. Ihling and little Johnny Wise.

Master John Wise thinks balloon voyages very delightful recreations. He says things look queer. The monitors at League Island looked like big white paper boats that boys play with. Mrs. Ihling asked Professor whether they were crossing a fortification in New Jersey, as there appeared to be beneath them quite a number of cannon balls laying around on the ground. "No child," he replied, "those are hay-cocks you see." the next thing she saw was a pile of big mercer potatoes rolling about. This, she was informed, was a flock of sheep. The young lad wanted to know what made the land so varigated [[variegated]] in color, as though it were painted in fancy colors. But as both the novices promised to write out their own narratives, we deemed it unnecessary to question them any further.


I had no idea that my 447th aerial voyage would reveal meteorological facts entirely different from any of those formerly made through the course of thirty-nine years. I took up with me a sensitive thermometer, an aneroid barometer, a magnetic needle, and tests for ozone prepared by Dr.Wm.H.Wahl. Mrs. Ihling took charge of the thermometer, which was covered in a paper shade so that it would not be effected by local or incidental causes, and thus register more accurately thermal differences. Master John Wise took in eharge [[charge]] the arenoid [[aneroid]], his eyes being keen.
The compass needle and ozone tests I took in charge myself. All these things being placed in order, the balloon was let loose from the earth at 4 o'clock, 1 minute. The thermometer at starting marked 81 degrees.
In nine minutes after, the arenoid [[aneroid]] registered 5400 feet altitude, and the thermometer 81 degrees. Supposing this temperature to be a thermometric aberation [[aberration]], since, as a rule, the temperature decreases with the altitude I watched particularly the further results. At 4 o'clock 15 minutes, 5600 feet, I found the heat to be 82 degrees, with the balloon almost, if not quite stationary, over League Island.
At 4 o'clock 20 minutes, barometer making 5400 feet the thermometer had lowered to 79 degrees. Five minutes later the aneroid 5600 feet, and the temperature 86 degrees. In two minutes later, thermometer 82, altitude 5900 feet. For the past 12 minutes the balloon held its position hovering over League Island, on a direct line with Broad street. This great thoroughfare of our city stretched north and south for many miles presenting a perfect bee line.
The sun was now fairly scorching us, and we were over a mile above the surface of the earth. Before passing the built-up part of the city I noticed a peculiar dark pall covering the greater part of it, and well defined in its outline from N.W. to S.E. while its lower outskirts, and Richmond to the north looked white as chalk. Camden, Manayunk, Germantown, and other villages presented this white appearance. There were no clouds, except on the horizon, and the range of clear vision extended from Norristown to Wilmington. The atmosphere was heavy and hot, and it was striated. I will be pardoned the thought that occurred at the time of the comet's tail. I would not say that such a thing was the tail of a comet would produce the anomaly of the highth and temperature, but I do say that we were in a superheated atmosphere. Mrs. Ihling's nose and cheeks looked like a roasted apple, and Master John is a little darker than a Mongolian, and I, at this moment of writing feel as though the skin was peeling from my face and hands.
While the atmosphere appeared peculiarly hazy as viewed upward and horizontally, it was so remarkably clear between us and the earth, that it even elicited the remark from my companions of "O how plain we can see things down there" "look at the wash on the clothes line there—how it is blowing down there, and so calm up here—ain't it strange."
Yes it was strange to see these things at an altitude of 5900 feet. We all noticed that our vision was better in looking at letter press than it is ordinarily. The bottom of the Delaware was also very distinctly mapped in its bars, reefs and vegetable beds: The water looked very shallow on account of its clearness.
At 4 o'clock 30 min. bar. 5550. Ther. 83. Five min. later bar. 5250 ther. 83. We were now passing nearly over Glassboro. At 4 o'clock 42 min bar 5400 feet, ther. 83, passing through a streak of mist. At 4 o'clock 50 min. bar. 5000 feet, ther. 83 we found our position to be the pivot of a complete semicircle formed by the Delaware from the mouth of the Schuylkill to Delaware Bay. The water seemed bulged up and reflected the sun-beams like a mirror. The heat being so intensly [[intensely]] oppreseive [[oppressive]] I lowered the balloon to 2250 feet which occupied two minutes, and then the ther. marked 90 deg. There was another of those strange freaks of heat and cold. Opened the valve again and when down to 1450 feet the ther. marked still 90 deg. but gradually, while maintaining this attitude, it lowered to 85 deg. From that time the temperature gradually sunk to 70 deg. I now gradually reascended to an attitude [[altitude]] of 5800 ft. and the lowest temperature reached was 69 deg. It continued at a temperature of 69 to 70 deg. for the whole second hour of the voyage, and the balloon kept a tolerable direct route over tht  [[that]] Cape May R.R. varying right and left by occasional eddies we encountered. We remained at 5800 feet attitude until 6 o'clock. All this time the Delaware river could be distinctly traced from Philadelphia to the sea; and the sea was plainly visible along the line from the capes to Atlantic City, and beyond. It looked deeply blue, much more so that the sky above us. It looked quite near to us while we were up to 5000 feet and over, but when we lowered to 1500 or a thousand feet it looked afar off.
At 6 o'clock 25 minutes we landed a Vineland. The balloon was taken up to near the business part of the town, and a little before sunset I reascended, leaving Mrs. Ihling under the protection of Mr. Porteus Gage, while little John and myself went up to an altitude of 4500 feet, where the thermometer marked 73 degrees, and one degree higher than it marked as we left the earth. Now while allowance is to be made in the estimates of heights and temperatures for the time requite for the heat's action on the vernier, it is plain enough that the law of the temperature and altitude was entirely reverse to the general rule.
This so attracted my whole attention that I paid but little to any other experiments. I had no definite evidence of ozone. Considerable electrical attraction and repulsion was evinced in the action upon bits of paper, and the finer particles of sand, as we passed up and down through the different stratas of air.
While I had some difficulty in keeping my watchers of thermometer and barometer promptly to me call of time, I am satisfied of the correctness of the data as given above. Many more observations were taken that above noted, but I deem those given as sufficient to show the peculiarly marked conditions of the atmosphere, as varying so much from ordinary atmospheric constants. 
We all felt a little discommoded in the ears, base of the brain, and in that peculiar sound of an incipient cold. All this passed off upon reaching the earth, and in the second hour of our voyage it was very slight, as compared with he first hour. I will only add that my two pupils feel themselves competent to manage a balloon in ordinary weather. Not a word nor sign of apprehended danger came from them. Admiration and expressions of delight was the burthen of their talk, and they both expressed a desire for a moonlight excursion to the seashore, but deeming prudence more praiseworthy than daring, I thought it meet and proper to the end of the voyage with the setting sun, having, as I believe, noted facts that must interest every scientist who pays particular attention to meteorological phenomena. 
Wile London, Paris, and St. Petersburg send up their scientists to explore the upper air, it is to be regretted that our own great cities do not furnish a single instance of a noted scientist doing likewise.
I feel bound to return my thanks to superintendent Miskey for the admirable arrangements for the flow of gas to the balloon.
John Wise.
The Narrative of John Wise the Younger.
With grandfather and my cousin I ascended on Thursday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, in the Balloon Evening Herald from West Philidelphia.
After leaving the earth we rose very rapidly, so that everything appeared in a few minutes very small. The people we had left dwindled down little babies and soon disappeared from view.
The houses of the city reminded me of Christmas houses in which little girls keep their dolls, while the reservoirs appeared no larger than pools of water after a have rain.
Long after we left the city we distinctly saw the Masonic Temple and Girard College. The Schuylkill now looked like a little rivulet, and the Delaware no bigger than a small creek. We soon saw League Island which looked like a small farm sur-