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Gorman, Hobart, Lamont, Brice, Frick, Fairbanks. But if things should go badly none would expect the rug. [[paragraph mark]]
A few bills are unpaid — $60 Kalamazoo canvas Boat Co; $600 the Bernie Co., London; $40 Knoor, Heilbronn, Germany; $30 A. Garstin, London, & about $75 Military Stores & Equipment Co., London, or only $800 in all. No hurry about these. They can wait till I get back.

The outfitting has cost more money than I thought it would, & I have just about enough to get away with, after settling my dog account. Will add a postscript to this letter after getting to Archangel to-morrow.

We have five Norwegians in our party - each of whom gets 100 Kroners per month wages. To each is to be paid while we are away - to their families — 50 Kroners per month, except Paul Bjoenvig, whose wife is to have 270 Kroners. A Kroner equals 27 cents, so this amounts to $72.90 a month. It is a small item, & I have asked Mr. Kohlrrat 


Friday, July 1. In The White Sea.

My dear mother: To-morrow we shall be at Archangel.  Where we shall take on board the 83 
dogs as quickly as possible, & get away north. I am eager to get to the ice & learn what our chance are. We are enjoying our voyage very much so far - glorious weather. The trouble will come later, & lots of it. Have had my first keen disappointment in the utter failure of the rubber boat. It is no good. Fortunately we have four other boats.

At Dardo I had a telegram from Tromso that same mail had arrived for me & three cases from America. Among the letters, so Mr. Osgaard wired, there was one from Laura. The postmaster at Tromso had agreed to forward all mail by the same steamer it came on, but he failed to do so, & the result was that I couldn't get the letters without losing three days' time & much extra coal running back to Vardo. It was too bad, because this letter from Laura is the only one save the first one of reproach she had sent me, so far as I know, & I did