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know because when my heart is heavy, when I think of myself as ill or hurt or old, it is with her I would be - to her I look instructing for comfort & companionship. That is the true test, & noble, patient girl that she is, she has forgiven me, & written me sweetly, & if the fates spare me to get back to her I will make full amends for all my wrong doing.

  I enclose for Emma an Aidi's poppy which I plucked today 400 feet above the sea on the Cape which towers 1400 feet above our house.  Please give it

F.J. Lana this year, & doubtless several will come next year. With one of them we can get home.

I am sorry to say it will be nearly the end of October before you get this, as Frithjof is not to get to Norway for two months yet.

I have sent some photographs to Hanna, & have asked her to have prints made & send you some of them.

Dear brother, up here in the lonely, cheerless Arctic would I have had incentive to look into my heart, to analyze myself, I now know that Hanna is the only woman in the world I really love. I