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troubles see Mr. Kebleoat. He will find some way to help you out. 

I have tried to write an article for The Century magazine that will earn the $300 they promised me, & have asked them to send the money to Laura. But they may not like the article, so we cannot depend on that.

The men who subscribed to the guarantee fund might help you a little - or some of them - if it should be necessary.

I do not believe it is going to be necessary to raise money for a ship, as several ships have come to

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to her with my love & admiration. 

I enclose one also for mother - no, I will write her direct. That is better.

Am sitting up all night to write - as Githrof is to leave in the morning. It is not a happy night. The heart is full. To add to the gloom Mr. Baldwin was badly bitten by a dog tonight & fainted away from nervous shock. 

My love to your children. It brings tears to my eyes to think of my own.

Dear brother, goodbye - till next year, and then a happy reunion.

Walter Wellman