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Andr. Aagaard.
Etableret 1835.
Telegrafadresse: „Aagaard".

Tromsø den 20 January 1899

Jeg har modtaget Deres Brev af:
Mit sidste Brev var af:

Mr. A. W. Wellman,
U. S. N. A.

Dear Sir,

I have to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of Novbr. [[November]] covering Kr 747 to credit of your brother. I beg to enclose Account current for your brother showing a ballance [[balance]] of Kr 4.83 cent ¢ 1/1 99 to his credit.

I have to pay each month 270 Kr (= 15 £stg) to the families of the crew and ask you to send me for the first three months £45 or Kr. 810.

I beg to enclose copy of a letter sent today to Mr Eckels about chartering ship to bring your brother and his party back. If Mr Eckels does not arange the Bank credit wanted I should ask you to inform Mr H. H. Kohlsaat, President of Chicago Times - Herald Company or Prof A. Graham Bell, Washington of the state of things. You will understand that I can charter no ship without having the wanted funds from America. I will myself run no risk.

Yours respectfully, And Aagaard