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20th January  9 

Mr. James H. Eckels 
Commercial National Bank. 

Dear Sir, 
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of  25th Novbr. on behalf of Mr. Walter Wellman. - Mr. A. W. Wellman has sent me 747 k (=$200) that ballances Mr. W.W account with me up to 1 January 1899.

No doubt Mr, A. W Wellman will continue to send me the necessary money for paying to the families of the crew.
What I must write to you now is about money for chartering steamer to bring Mr. Wellman and his company back from Franz Josefs land to Norway this summer. 

Mr. W. Wellman has asked me to arange this matter, but of course I cannot do it without the wanted funds, being put to my disposition. Nobody can blame me for not taking the risk of guaranteeing the freight without being protected by funds from America: 

Mr. Wellman asked me, before he left to look out