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of all those things now and you may deal with
them on their merits. For one thing, I do not know whether H.W. Lunan, 100 Washington rt., let Mr. Eckels have $500 or not. If he did it is borrowed money & should be returned.
    As to Miss Willard, who, the last I knew,  
was in Hannan(?) Germany, my wishes are these =
she shall be treated (tly?), generously.
I left an assignment of $3,500 life insurance
to her, for the child's benefit, & I want her
to have it without any questioning or (?)
If I return I shall provide for the child and help her to get settled in life, treating her as a man of justice would treat a divorced      wife, but I should  never go to her, or be with her, or even see her if I could avoid it. I respect her, & admire her, & have no word of complaint of her to (make crossed out)utter. She is a magnificent, noble girl & I wish her happiness and contentment.  But my love henceforth is all for my wife. I have analyzed my soul and find that it is only for her that I entertain affection, it is only to her I would like to return. If I get back I shall attend to Miss W's future, so far as I have anything to do with it, & that is wholly financial & helpful. If I do not return I ask you to see to it, and without hurting her by revealing (cross out)
what I have here written. If I die that settles everything.