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This is the name of the Steamer from Trondhjem to Tromsae

[[Image of VDS flag]]
Hurtigruteskibet "Vesteraalen"[[/letterhead]

Monday May 24th.

My Dear Emma

I must write you though I will not be able to mail it now.
Well this is the trip of my life and the sights are very wonderful for Norway is certainly a cenic country. Upon leaving Christiania or when out some 3 hours we changed to a Narrow Gage Ref the balance of the way to Tondjhem with many places of interest as the whole country is so mountainous but I will not here attempt to describe it. Tondjhem is noted for its commercial spirit and an old church with two spires in the middle and first being built before the Iron age. I will tell you more about it when I get home. Well this is a nice little steamer 175 feet long but very nice and every one on board or belonging to it is very polite, Breakfast at 9, Dinner at 2, Supper at 8 with long tables.  this is called the Express so we only stop about once in 16 to 22 hours, in fact from 8.30 till 10 PM without a stop yesterday and today Monday we have made one stop. My [but?] there are great snow drifts in the hills and it looks like they were always there. Well I have for a week now or nearly lived a time with an ulcerated tooth and for the past 3 days was swollen much could not eat and it seems I would most starve must have it seen to when at Tromsae sure. 

Emma you will see by the map we are coursing along the cost close in to the hills as Mts. which with their somewhat peculiar shapes and mostly covered with snow those near the water it seams the snow does not lay on as perhaps the wind blows it away