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[[image in letterhead - airship over arctic landscape]]

1906, 1907, 1909

Headquarters: Dane's Island, Spitzbergen
(Latitude 79° 45' N.)

Walter Wellman, Hotel Continental
Expedition Workshop: 11 Rue Agnettes, Gennevilliers (Seine)
Chief Engineer: Melvin Vaniman

Post and Telegraph Address: Tromsoe
Agent: Consul Andreas Aagaard



Leave here enough bedding, blankets, etc., for our party and the men who are to stay in the winter, & the rest I think should go back to Tromso & should be stored at Aagaard's.

For fuel, it will be necessary to burn wood, & the small supply of coal should be saved for keeping night fires.

The canvas cover of the hangar should be stored away in the machine shop or other good dry place.

The gas apparatus should be boarded up so it will not be filled with snow.

Stationary, etc., should be left here. 

Take my typewriter to America with you, and send it to my home.

Leave the phonograph, & records.

Men going back to Tromso will have to take bedding for use on the way. All that should be stored at Tromsö.

Leave here sea-boots & fin shoes - fur.

As I told you I have given the