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Thursday June 17th 1909

90 miles S.W. Davis Island 
6th day waiting=
Wind N- and fresh 8 A.M = Cloudy.
Snow flurries.

Noon. Wind N, a little E & not so hard. moderating.

2 P.M decided to melt Ice and have asked Captain to start motor & steer for the sea.

We are now any how 100 mi from Davis Island. 

3.10. P. Motor started run 10 mi, Stoped [[stopped]].
3.30 P. Put up sails, Entered ice at. 4= PM. going N.E.

Our men assisted in repairing motor and started it again at 10 P. 

12 night 40 mi from Davis Gate making good progress & expect to be at Camp Wellman by 9 AM the 18th. Saw the Sun eclipsed about 4/5th at 12-12:30 Night