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Transcription: [00:27:52]
{SPEAKER name="Libby Hathaway/Sheila Grinnell (interpreter)"}
and the other way is just with the pinky. You just understand a little bit? Or you understand or, er a little bit?

{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
Lots of kinds of play, are there others that you'd, that you'd like to show, other puns?
Okay, would you like to show this one? This is a game.
{SPEAKER name="Jan DeLap/Sheila Grinnell (interpreter)"}
I have to tell you something about your hands, maybe you're not aware that your hands, you don't know your hands very well. We're gonna play a little game with you people, would you like that?

Okay I want you to try this, put your knuckles together, your middle knuckles together. Okay everyone do that and then your fingers, got that?
Put 'em together, everyone, come on.
Okay, okay now I want you to move this, open and close, very good, good, okay now move your pinkes. Good
okay. Now your index fingers. Okay good, now move your ring finger.

Come one, come on. I don't see anyone doing it. No you have to keep your knuckles together.
{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
Keep them real together.
{SPEAKER name="Jan DeLap/Sheila Grinnell (interpreter)"}
and move your, your, they have to stay together. N-n-n-no no, wait a minute you have to keep your knuckles there together come on. See you can't do it, it's impossible.
No, it's not possible, I'm telling ya, it's not possible. You have to have everything together.
{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
Did anybody succeed in that?
{SPEAKER name="Jan DeLap/Sheila Grinnell (interpreter)"}
I'll check with you later.
{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
Any other questions y'all would like to ask? Yes.
{SPEAKER name="Audience Member"}
When um, when you watch TV programs, um, you know how do you, how do you um-