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Transcription: [00:39:17]
{SPEAKER name="Jan DeLap/Shirley Schultz (interpreter)"}
Let me introduce Dick Moore.
And Libby Hathaway. This is Steve Jones. Okay, it's important. Which one is the hearing one, and which ones are deaf?
What do you think?

Is he hearing or deaf?
Hearing, hearing or deaf?
I don't know, how do you know if they're hearing or deaf I mean how? It's truly an invisible handicap. And shall we confess? Who is hearing?

Okay, we're really, a silent minority. We'll start our presentation with, well he's carrying my idiot cards. Oh okay interesting.
I'd like to show you a little bit of how deaf people interact and talking with hearing people, or hearing people interacting with deaf people.

Well often it depends upon body language. You can look and understand what's going on. For example I'll show you a brief encounter at a bus stop.
Imagine that this is a bus stop, here's the bus coming this way. Okay, so we're watching for the bus. A deaf man is standing here waiting for the bus to come. See what happens. Watch.