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FEBRUARY 18th, 1931.

My dear Ora:--

Harking back to Grandpa, I want you to make memoranda in my Bible as regards my Aviation as follows:

"Soloed July 27th, 1930. took Federal examination for license (was is September 23rd, 1930?) (Shows how much I remember) Was grounded one day for aerobating without a parachute January 18th, 1931. Then attach enclosed letter.

Maybe some time within the next hundred years, I'll enjoy reading about my misdemeanor. Any how, Pop's Bible is the best place for "my record".

"Your" ring is all O K. I shall not under any circumstances, except aviation, use it. Bassett did offer me Los Angeles County Agency, but that involved buying a ship, and anyhow I had a guilty feeling that I was undermining Granger, so the other day, I went out and had a long talk with Granger: told him that I had been offered the Agency, etc., etc. He was dumb-founded, hurt, and all the rest of it. Told him, that I had written them that I DID NOT want it if it in any way hurt him. Found out, from this interview, that that was just what it would have done. Told him to write them and tell them that I had discussed the Agency with him, etc. I, also, wrote Bassett and told him that I had told Granger that the agency had been offered me. To date, have not heard from Bassett - but really haven't had the time. I'd rather work out of a factory any how.

Have written Stearman, and the Kitty Hawk to see if I can make a factory connection with either of them.

Just found enclosed clipping of "Souther California Airport News". Oh Gee! Oh Gosh! but I do want to fly!

With lots of love.

Mary Charles, private pilot from Clover Field, arrived back from Detroit on the 5th. On the way through she flew ships at the Swallow, American Eagle and Stearman plants. There's nothing like variety