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Herald Aug 22
EL PASO, Tex., Aug. 22.-El-
don Cessna of Wichita, Kan., led
the field of contestants of the
Los Angeles-Cleveland air derby
into El Paso, the night control
point this afternoon.  Gladys
O'Connell of Long Beach, Cal.,
was second.  Roy Hunt of Nor-
man, Okla., was third. At 5:20
p. m. (C.S.T.) 37 planes in the race
had arrived at the El Paso airport
By International News Service
TUCSON, Ariz., Aug. 22.-Mis-
fortune in the shape of one major
accident, the reported crash of a
mysterious plane in the hills near
Casa Grande, and an outcropping
of minor mechanical trouble today
beset the western division of the
national air derby.
Unperturbed, however, 53 of the
56 original Los Angeles starters
took off from here this afternoon
for El Paso, Tex., where the cara-
van will rest over night.
Gene Redewill, Phoenix violinist,
one of the contestants in the race
from Los Angeles to Cleveland, was
injured, but not seriously, when his
plane smashed on a downtown
street as he led the caravan into
Tucson from Yuma, Ariz.
Meanwhile 300 persons were in
the huge posse that spread over
thedesolate hills near Casa
Grande, 75 miles west of here,
where a plane was reported to have 
burst into flames and fallen to the
ground about when the main por-
tion of the air caravan was passing
Five persons who said they saw
the plane crash were unable to
identify it.  Some of the pilots
said they saw ambulances on the
highway near the place of the re-
ported crash.
With Redewill definitely out of
the derby three others who reached
here successfully were having
trouble with their planes to such
an extent that they may be forced
out of competition.  They were
Charles Spencer, William J. Powell
and Claron Beauchamp.
Art Carnahan and another derby 
flier, Harry Sham, of Oakland, 
took the wrong branch of the
Southern Pacific railway to follow
and it guided him to Nogales, Mex-
ico, south of here. Landing at a 
Mexican airport the fliers received
fuel and directions for reaching
Tucson. They arrived here safely
and took off again for El Paso.
Roy Hunt of Norman, Okla., held
a temporary lead on points when
he landed here second in the morn-
ing lap.
Hunt was credited with 162
points, which, added to his second
place score of yesterday for the
Los Angeles-Yuma lap, gave him
294 points and the lead over Eldon
Cessna, Wichita, Kan., who fin-
ished first today. Cessna finished 
eleventh yesterday and now has a
two-lap score of 222.7.
J. L. O'Donnell, Long Beach, Cal.,
finished third today, amassing 128
points for the two days. Hi wife,
Mrs. Gladys O'Donnell, was fourth,
totaling 163 points. J. F. McDon-
ald, Cleveland, finished fifth today,
scoring 46.5 points.

Herald - 8-23
By Associated Press
LUBBOCK, Tex., Aug. 23-
E. L. Dessna of Wichita, Kan.,
landed his trim airplane here at
3:56 p. m. (C.S.T.) today, to lead
the Transcontinental Air derby
from Roswell, N. M. Cessna made
the 176-mile hop from Roswell in
1 hour and 19 minutes. Roy Hunt
of Norman, Okla., landed second, 
and Art Carnahan of Blooming-
ton, Ill., third. Cessna continued
to lead in the race, increasing his
total of points to 752.73 points.

By International News Service
ROSWELL, N. M., Aug. 23-
Forty-three entrants in the Los An-
geles-Cleveland air derby handicap
took off here this afternoon for
Lubbock, Texas, tonight's stop. The
first ship left at 1:15 (M. S. T.)
John Nagel was reported out of
the race at El Paso because of en-
gine trouble. W. R. Jack and Leslie
Miller, two other entrants, had not
reached here this afternoon.
The point score of the air racers
here showed Eldon Cessna of Wich-
ita, Kan., leading the 590, Roy 
Hunt second with 567 and Art Car-
nahan third with 336.
John Hardesty, Taft, Cal., led the
fliers away from the El Paso air-
port, hopping at 9:40 a. m., central
time, with the others taking off
after 3-minute intervals.
William J. Powell, Los Angeles
negro, and his passenger, Irving
Wells, negro, landed here at 9:10
a. m. today. They had been miss-
ing since they left Tucson at 5:10
yesterday. Powell said motor
trouble forced him to land on an
emergency field at Mr. Riley last
Powell and Wells joined the other
derbyists in the flight to Roswell.

By Associated Press
ATLANTA, Aug. 23.-J. F.
Tuohy of Olean, J. Y., hopped off
for Birmingham, Ala., at 10:46 a. m.,
C. S. T., today to lead a field of 27
entrants in the Cord handicap derby
which will wind up at the nation
air races in Cleveland.
The fliers will stop at Birming-
ham for lunch and then take off
for Jackson, Miss., their stopping
place for the night.

By Associated Press
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Aug. 23.-
Led by J. F. Touhy, Olean, N. Y., the
27 planes in the eastern half of the
Cord cup derby began taking off
for Jackson, Miss., at 2 p. m. central
standard time, after stopping here
for lunch.