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Wednesday, April 24th, 1935. 

( Please read to your FOURTH Period Classes ) 
The Girls' League is sponsoring an assembly for the entire school tomorrow, Thursday, at 11:00 A. M. Kindly inform your period IV - today. Students must sit with their own class groups. Roll is to be taken as usual.


The program is under the direction of Mrs. Mary Charles, Captain of the Women's Air Reserve. She will present the following, who are active in aviation:-

Matilde Moisant - Second Woman in the United States to receive a pilot's license
Pretto Bell    -    (License 29820) Youngest woman pilot in the United States
Hilda Jarmouth  -  Hawaiian Flier
Winifred Jarrett-  Santa Monica Pilot
Eileen Curley    -   Lieutenant-Women's Air Reserve
Lt. Emma McNair Kittredge, M. D. - First woman to be appointed by U. S. Government as medical examiner for air pilots - also Flight Surgeon of Women's Air Reserve
Katherine Cheung-  Only Chinese girl holding pilot's license
Betty Gage - Santa Monica High

[[top right]]
2525 Calif. st
Huntington Park - Calif. 
Jan. 20 - 1935

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[[/top right]]

[[bottom left]] 
2:00 Call to Order.
2:30 "The Spirit of A
Group of Women
all Licensed W
Mrs. Mary Charl [[Charles]]
Matilde Moisant,
in United Stat [[States]]
Clema Granger,
Gladys O'Donnel
These Speakers

JANUARY 15th— 
2:00 Call to Order.
2:30 Our Gymnasium
Chorus, Callist
and Grace and
Miss Lillian Hay [[Hayes]]

JANUARY 22nd— 
2:00 Call to Order.
2:30 World Events as

JANUARY 29th— 
2:00 Call to Order
2:30 Reminescences [[Reminiscences]] o
West Ebell.
Book Review— "S
Whistling Duet...
Accompanied b

Mrs. Homer C. Lash-General Curator. VErmont [[Vermont]] 75
Spanish—Every Tuesday. Beginners, 10 A.M.—Bungalow
Advanced, 11 A.M.—Bungalow
Senora [[Señora]] Estafania D. de Chavez, Instructor

Music—Rvery Tuesday, 11:00 to 12:00—Auditorium
Prof. Ray Crittenden, Instructor

Parliamentary Law—First and Third Tuesdays, 10 to 11—A [[Auditorium]]
Mrs. W.J. Lee, Instructor

Drama—Second and Fourth Tuesdays, 12:00 to 1:00—Audit [[Auditorium]]
Margaret Barbrick Purcell, Instructor

California History and Landmarks—Every Second Tuesday, 
2:30 P.M.—Auditorium
Mrs. E. M. Bine, Chairman

Bible—Every First Tuesday, 12:00 to 1:00—Auditorium
Mrs. E. D. Gaylord, Speaker

Federation Day—Third Tuesday, 12:00 to 1:00—Auditorium
Conference Reports, also State and District Speakers

World Events—As Mirrored in Current Literature, Every Fourth
Tuesday, 2:30 P.M.—Auditorium
Mrs. Jack Vallely

Physical Culture—Every Thursday, 10:00 to 11:00—Auditorium
Miss Lillian Hayes, Instructor
[[/bottom left]]

[[bottom center]]
The Woman's City Club   
Sec. 562, P.L.&R
728 South Hill Street
Los Angeles, California

POSTMASTER-if addressee has removed, notify sender on Form 3547. Postage for which is guaranteed.
[[/bottom center]]

[[bottom right]]

B. H. Dyas Co. has an interesting aeronautical window display in connection with the national air races at Cleveland, in which a Swallow monoplane, powered with a Kinner motor and emblazoned with the name and standard of the Dyas store, will be piloted by Mary Charles of Los Angeles.

The display includes one of the new three-blade propellers, a new type landing wheel and parts of a Kinner motor.

Miss Charles will start in the air derby at Municipal airport Sunday, which is a flight from Los Angeles to Cleveland, and throughout the races will advertise Los Angeles and the Dyas store with her plane.

She learned to fly at Cloverfield, Santa Monica, and the plane she will use in the air derby was assembled locally.

The Dyas window display attracted much attention from shoppers today and the store officials announced they would receive daily news of the races for the information of the public.

Photo shows Mary Charles, licensed woman pilot, who will fly the Dyas christened plane in the Los Angeles to Cleveland stop race starting Aug. 21.
[[image]] Mary Charles headshot wearing flying cap and goggles [[/image]]
[[/bottom right]]

Transcription Notes:
Please, don't use indentations. Words cut off on right letter, and bottom left.