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SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1919
Nation Realty Boards Association Chief Presents New 'Reconstruction Idea' for Southwest
Trenchant Reasons Why Building May Safely Proceed at Present Time Are Revealed
A new bank for Southern California, to loan money exclusively to homebuilders; this is the new odd-angle "reconstruction idea" of William M. Garland, president of the National Association of Real Estate Boards, who yesterday gave some very trenchant reasons why homebuilders not only may safely build homes at this time, but why they should be assisted by every legitimate business method to do so.

"It was at my suggestion, while serving in Washington during the war, that Secretary of Labor Wilson, through Mr. F. T. Miller, Director of Information of Service and Construction Improvement, expressing a desire for co-operation with the realtors ,was induced to write that poster, which I now have hanging in my front window. 'I want to see every wage-earner own his own home,' declared Mr. Garland yesterday."

"I wanted that message sent from the administration to every wage-earner in the United States, as an expression of just how the nation is now thinking more humanely and broadly regarding the true welfare of the wage-worker, as one of the big factors making for greatness and better Americanism. I would surprise you to see how sentiment has switched during the past two years. The safety of America lies in homeownership, together with more respect for our laws and our flag.


"One thing ahead of every other question, is generally becoming recognized among great Industrial leaders of America—that every man should have the same right as any other man, to have a home, to worship, to love his family, to give his children educational advantages, and to well clothe himself and his family, as well as to provide for his old age rest—if he works industriously and tries to be a good citizen. Nearly every big man you talk to, right across the nation, has this same thought.

"But is the money loaning situation, as an aid and encouragement to home building, being carried out as it should be? I say NO!

"I will not be drawn into any discussion as to whether or not building materials or building wages have gone up 25, 50, or 75 per cent over the pre-war level, but I will say emphatically, as my sub-cellar belief, that neither these building prices nor wages are going to come down so far as to wipe out the advantage a homebuilder will now enjoy from present low realty values. Never have real estate levels been so low, when compared with all other material values; never have prices been so reasonable, or more attractive.


"Now what is the condition with regard to the one big obstacle—Building Loans?"

"The industrious, ambitious wage-worker, with his little savings, can be taken care of easily in handling his real estate deal. There is no problem there. Any reasonable plan that fits his pocketbook can be made. He safely can depend on having made an investment that he never can regret, if he obligates himself for building materials and labor at the present levels. If, later, they come down a certain percentage, increasing real estate values will as steadily offset, or even over-shadow them. Material and labor levels will not go back to the prewar levels; I feel quite sure of that. On the other hand, there is no telling how great the increase in the realty may be in the course of time. They always have a chance to double and treble—even quadruple, so the builder's house will always represent a price in the future which justifies his building at present, providing he can get his building loans under right interest terms, but there's the rub.

"The way things are now, the banks, though bulging with money, are loaning to better advantage than they can loan to the small home-builders. Income property and large margin loans appeal to the bankers more than do the small, individual home investments, although the moment the homebuilders loan is made, it becomes the best kind of security.


"The result is the small homebuilder is forced to go through a series of experiences with loan usurers. He might as well forget his idea of building, if he depends entirely on building and loan associations. When he goes to the usurers, he sometimes pas as high as four or five per cent, just to be 'put in touch' with the loaner. Then the private loaner wants as high as eight or ten per cent interest on the mortgage. What can the homebuilder do? That's what you have got to solve before homebuilding becomes in general. He should have the advantage given the farmer, with his Farm Loan Savings bank. My idea is a 'Home Builder's Bank,' subscribed to by public spirited men and women, who would be satisfied with a safe six per cent. Such a bank would loan money to no one else other than homebuilders. It would be a private bank and not a National bank. How better could men and women of means, who want to do real good in the world with their money, use it to better advantage than to help make our honest wage workers happy in their own homes? Not by charity, but by being satisfied with that kind of an investment?

"I think this is a real solution. It isn't quite orthodox in banking, but this is a 'reconstruction age' and this is a splendid place to begin reconstruction. I am opposed to further paternalism in banking, by the Government, but it may become a necessity in giving the wage-earner an equal chance to finance the building of his home."


by Dr. W.A. Evans

The Sleeping Sickness
Copyright, 1919, by W. A. Evans

Just about a year ago a new disease appeared in France and England. Possibly by reason of the war it did not attract the attention which its importance demanded. But then it did not seem to be of great importance; it did not affect many people; it was not violently contagious and, in most places, about four-fifths of those attacked recovered and without serious after-effects. The disease slowly spread and apparently has now reached many places in this country. Since it is being publicly commented on as a new and terrible disease it is worth while giving some facts about it.

At first there was considerable uncertainty as to its nature. Some physicians who had treated cases regarded it is a form of severe food poisoning something like ptomaine poisoning. For a long time efforts were always made to run down the particular spoiled food responsible for the disease. Efforts to identify the disease as botulism, were finally desisted from, as no success had been had in this line of investigation.
Then, some persons regarded the disease as a form or meningitis. There is always an increase of meningitis in war times, and this disease sometimes runs a course far different from that which is regarded typical. The effort was made to prove that it was form of infantile paralysis differing from the typical form of this disorder in that it generally affected adults, did not have symptoms typical of infantile paralysis, and that it left no after paralysis. Nevertheless, as late as five months ago a leading medical journal of great influence had a long editorial in which it wad argued that the disease was a form of infantile paralysis.

The name--lethargic encephalitis-- means inflammation of the brain characterized by a considerable degree of stupor. Among other names given it are infective ophthalmoplegia, acute encephalitis, toxic ophthalmoplegia, botulism meningitis, acute poliomyelitis, infantile paralysis and Heine-Medin disease.
Among the symptoms quoted by the Journal of the American Medical Association from the Hall are these: "The patient while in ordinary health begins to be languid and drowsy with or without other symptoms. In a few hours or days the weakness increased and indeed may amount to complete prostration so that he lies helpless in bed and can hardly move a muscle. Now the drowsiness becomes more marked and deepens into lethargy. Fever may be absent or it may be present from the first, become sever and persist. Cerebral excitement and delirium have been prominent features in some cases. There may be drooping of the eyelids, paralysis of the muscles of the eyeballs, nystagmus or oscillating movements of the eyeballs, paralysis of some of the muscles of the face, difficulty in enunciating and difficulty in swallowing. In many cases there are muscle tremors [[???]] in one limb and at times in another, the location and extent never being uniform."

The disease rarely attacks any except persons over 20 years of age. It seldom attacks two members of the same family. It is difficult to prove that it is contagious in any sense. In the main it is a disease of the late winter and early spring.
Potheir reports a small epidemic of the disease which appeared among soldiers at Camp Lee in the latter part of October, 1918. The first case was a corporal who had influenza six weeks before. He first noticed that he was seeing double and that he had some difficulty in swallowing. He was conscious, rational and free from fever except during a part of one day. After a day or two the man developed some difficulty in breathing. Five days  after he was taken sick and died. The autopsy proved that the man did not have meningitis or infantile paralysis. There seemed to be an inflammation of the brain substance itself. Here was a man without fever or rapid pulse, without aches or pain, yet dying at the end of five days. 

Two months later the second case occurred--a lieutenant who had noticed double vision, headaches, lack of appetite and constipation for two days consulted Maj. Pothier. He stated that he was in the habit of seeing double whenever his digestion was disordered. Close examination showed that there was a weakness of one of the eye muscles, a fever which did not go above 102, lasted for four days and then went away. having spent eh first case Major Pothier was able to make a diagnosis of lethargic encephalitis in this case.

A third case developed about three weeks later. A private noticed double vision, vertigo, and constipation. He had a slight fever which lasted twelve days after the patient entered the hospital. There were no other symptoms except that the man had some paralysis of one eye muscle and nystagmus. He got well. 

A corporal had acute inflammation of his middle ear on January 1. Three weeks later he developed double vision and vertigo. This man had a slight fever for ten days. On the strength of his experience with the other cases Dr. Pothier made a diagnosis of lethargic encephalitis.

The next day after case No. 4 appeared a private came to the hospital on whom the doctor made the diagnosis on the strength of a low fever and vertigo. A week later another private was thought to have the disease because of nausea, headache, vertigo, and double vision. The temperature in this case ranged between 98 and 100. 

Case No. 7 was a lieutenant who had vertigo, drowsiness, double vision and sensitiveness to light.

Case No. 8 had vertigo, weakness, great drowsiness, delirium, difficulty in swallowing and paralysis of the left side of the face.

It may be doubtful whether all these cases were lethargic encephalitis, but some of them were, and the most typical case in the list was the first one seen. having watched that case through, and made an autopsy of it, his opinion as to typical cases is better than that of anyone who has not seen any cases of the disease. If the eight cases were lethargic encephalitis two facts are established. One is that the disease may run a very mild course. Only one out of eight cases in this series died and some of the cases were very slightly sick.

In the earlier part of the French epidemic one-half of the cases died. In the early part go the British epidemic 20 per cent of the cases were fatal. 

The second point established is that we have had the disease in the United States since last October. This proves that it spreads slowly. In two cases reported by Marie from France there was double vision, headache, drooping of the eyelids, somnolence, lethargy and slight fever. One of these cases died on the ninth day. the other lay in a state of almost complete coma for seven weeks and then died.

The Journal of the American Medical Association refers to cases that sleep for three months, during which bed sores developed but which later recovered completely.

The reports are that when the disease terminated in recovery there is no permanent paralysis and no wasting, as there is after infantile paralysis. There is no loss of the sight or hearing, as there is after meningitis.

There are some who hold that the disease is really a modified meningitis in which, however, the meningococcus attacks the brain and not the meninges, but against that there is the fact that the eyeballs do no shrivel and the hearing is not lost, as so frequently happens in meningitis.

Cases of this disease should be reported to the health department. The physicians connected with that organization should be given the opportunity to learn what they can about the new disease.

Probably about the same precautions as are employed to prevent the spread of meningitis will be employed. The treatment must only be symptomatic.

German Industrial Strikes Extending
COPENHAGEN, March 29.--Strikes in the Ruhr industrial region are extending, say Essen dispatches. Thirty thousand men are reported out. 

At a meeting of the strikers at Langendreer, near Dortmund, Thursday, demands were formulated including formation of a revolutionary workmen's guard, establishment of political and economic relations with the Russian Soviet government and disarmament of police throughout Germany.

Unemployment Costing Berlin Immense Sum
Berlin, Friday, March 28,-(By The Associated Press.)- Support of unemployed is costing Greater Berlin one million marks a day. A clerical force of 2300 is required to keep track of the army of workless people

The city council has voted 160,000,000 marks for public improvements to give employment.

No more Sore, Tired, Tender Feet; No Puffed-up Calloused Feet or Painful Corns-- Try "Tiz"

Why go limping around with aching, puffed up feet-feet so tired, chafed, sore and swollen you can hardly get your shoes on or off? Why don't you get a 25-cent box of "Tiz" from the drug store now and gladden your tortured feet?

"Tiz" makes your feet glow with comfort; takes down swellings and draws the soreness and misery right out of feet that chafe, smart and burn. "Tiz" instantly stops pain in corns, callouses and bunions. "Tiz" is glorious for tired, aching, sore feet. No more shoe tightness-no more foot torture. 

As for "Tiz," Get only "Tiz,"-Advertisement.


Experiences, as a naval observer, in picking out and destroying mines off the coasts of Ireland and Scotland while doing patrol duty when American ships were being convoyed through the North Channel are told by William Frauenberger, Jr., chief, Q. M., U. S. Naval Aviation, and son of Mr. and Mrs. William Frauenberger of this city, who has just returned. 

The convoying was accomplished with American flying boats, each carrying a crew of five men, and equipped with large depth bombs used to destroy submarines and mines of the enemy. Chief Frauenberger said:

"The convoy trips generally lasted six or seven hours at a time. During one of these trips I located several mines floating in the course of the convoy. I was in the air the day and hour the armistice was signed."

Arrested on Visit to Friend in Jail

When R. T. Osterman of Sawtelle, who is said to be a member of the band at the National Soldiers' Home, entered the police headquarters at Venice to see a friend who had been arrested, he was recognized by Detective Frank Watson as a man wanted for his alleged connection with a burglary in the store of C. T. Boni in Westgate.

Sergt. Al McLain of the Los Angeles police station at Sawtelle was notified and sent Officer Rockoff to Venice for Osterman. After being booked in Sawtelle the prisoner was Brough to this city. Handcuffed, he rode along side of Officer Rockoff in an automobile bound for the county jail. When on Hill street near Third street, Osterman rolled out of the car and ran into a blind alley, where he was recaptured. 


Your new airplane may sink through the atmosphere, but you need not drown before reaching the earth if you have the life preserver described and pictured in The Literary Digest this week. 


POMONA, March 29.-Home from France after having been wounded four times at once by bullets scattered from a bursting shrapnel shell, gives an interesting account of the manner in which they took German prisoners at the front. 

"It was an easy matter to capture German prisoners," he said. "We would form a scouting party and steal up to a spot where we knew that there would be a number of Germans, then wait out chance and fire so as to wound one of the number. It wasn't often that they showed any fight, when we caught them like this, and we captured a great many. All seemed relieved at the opportunity of getting away from the fighting." 

Young Baker's company was in front of Metz when the armistice was signed, in readiness for an attack on the armed city.

Film Star Silent on Marital Woes

While Pauline Frederick, noted stage and screen star, yesterday declined to discuss the reported separation between herself and her husband, Willard Mack, author, dramatist and actor, Samuel Goldwyn, president of the Goldwyn Pletures Corporation, made the following statement:
"Unfortunately it is true that Mr. Mack has been in a sanitarium and that Miss Frederick has suffered great mental anguish because of this. Their mutual devotion givers her the sympathy of everyone who knows her.
"I am very fond of them both and because of this it is only natural that I should hope no permanent severance of their relations will be brought about.
"As a matter of fact, Miss Frederick has made known no such intention to me. It is only reasonable to suppose she would, were she of that mind."


Although the Red Cross drive for the suffering and destitute of the Allied nations of Europe ends officially tomorrow announcement was made at headquarters yesterday that contributions of worn clothing, shoes, hats, blankets or material which can be made into any kind of garments will be accepted at the various salvage stations throughout the city, and at headquarters, all this week. It will take at least that length of time to collect and pack the clothes which have piled up during the week of the drive, and in view of the need of the Allies abroad it is hoped that many further contributions will help during the coming week or ten days to bring Los Angeles near its big quota.
If you have neglected to turn in your offering do not feel that you are debarred from doing so because of the official closing of the campaign. As long as the Red Cross is packing and shipping, just so long will contributions be received and the work of getting everything ready for shipment will probably last well into next week.

Trout Season Opens April 1 in Districts 2 and 3

The House With the Reputation of Good Values

We Want You to Have a Copy of Our New Catalog
On the press now; will be ready in a few days. Send us your name and address on a postal card for a FREE COPY.

Fishing Tackle at pre-war prices. Our stock is large, new, fresh and complete.
[[image - drawing]]
3000 Cans Salmon Eggs
35c Per Can
Dozen $3.75
Fishermen say it is the best bait.

Trout Reels
40 to 100-yd., 45c to $1.00; $4.50 jeweled reels, special,
[[image - drawing]]

$3.00 Leaders, Reels, Rods, Leader Boxes, Etc.
Trout Leaders—
10c value "Rex," 3-ft.; special................... 5c
15c value "Wizard," 3-ft.; special................ 10c
35c value "Golden Strand," 6-ft.; special......... 25c
25c value "Obespo," 3-ft., double gut; special..... 15c
"Sespe" Oil Silk Line, 10-yd.; special............. 15c
"Wizard" Oil Silk Line, 25-yd.; special............ 35c
"Kingfisher" Enam. Silk Line, $1.25 value......... 85c
"Samson" Enamel Silk Line; special.............. 65c
Canvas Trout Creel, extra quality................ $1.25
Willow Creels, approved type............ $2.45 and $1.85
Bamboo Fly Rods—
6-strip, silk wound, nickel mountings............. $1.50
8 1/2-ft. Steel Rods, $1.50 value; special............ 1.00
Bristol Steel Rods........................ $3.50 to 5.00
Hundreds of Bamboo Fly Rods up to.............. 10.00

LEADER BOX, aluminum, 25c value................ 15c

Hundreds of accessories for the fisherman and camper at before-the-war prices.
—Main Floor—

Our Men's Furnishing Goods Business Has More Than Doubled in 60 Days

And There's a Reason—

We go direct to the factories with orders so large that we get price concessions that many others do not get. We give our customers the benefit of every lucky purchase we make; by buying for less and selling for a smaller profit we are able to give you values you can find nowhere else.
And remember, we handle only the best on the market—standard brands that are known the country over as the last word in quality. We doubt if any store in the city has sold as many Shirts, Socks, Collars, Ties, Underwear and Overalls in the last 60 days as the Army and Navy store. SOME DAY WE ARE GOING TO BE SEELING YOU YOUR FURNISHINGS.

[[image - drawing]]
Buy them by the Box

Regular $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 values

Hendan Dress Shirts $1.45 or $4.25 for Box of 3

This is an illustration of why we can sell cheaper. We bought 5500 of these shirts at one time at a reduction from the regular price so great that we can sell them to you at about half the price for which they were made to sell. They are fine quality, long-wearing materials in attractive stripe patterns; Franch cuffs; AND ARE THE VALUES WE SAY THEY ARE.

$10.00 Value PURE SILK

Hendan Shirts $5.95
or $16.50 for box of three

The regular wholesale price is $90 dozen, or $7.50 each. While the lot lasts you can buy them at a price beyond competition. Beautiful quality heavy silk and in the most desirable patterns and colors.

When it's a HENDAN you know it's Right—Right Quality, Right Style, Right Fit.

Sale of House Dresses and Aprons at Most Attractive Prices.

[[image - 3 drawings]]

Regular $1.50 qualities; special at.................. 98c
Regular $2.50 qualities....................... $1.65 to 1.99
Many styles and patterns in both long and short sleeves.

These Prices Mean a Saving

Children's Smock Dresses, 2 to 6.................... $1.75
Boys' percale and gingham Blouses............ 60c to .95
Boys' Dress Shirts, nice patterns............... 75c to 1.35
Indigo blue denim Play Suits....................... 1.25
Women's lisle Envelopes; wonderful value........... .35
Girl's and women's Middies................... $2.75 to 4.95
Women's Outing Suits, army khaki................. 7.00
Also Outing Skirts, Breeches Shirts, Hats, etc.
Boys' Corduroy Knickers; the best............. $1.95 2.25
Children's Socks, all colors.................. 35c and .25

Visit our Women's and Children's Department next week.

—Second Floor—

Flannel and Work Shirts at Worth-While Savings

[[image - drawing]]

Genuine "JUMBO" Shirts, $1.95 nationally advertised at $2.50.

This is the genuine Milton Goodman "Jumbo" patented shirt, made to sell and is usually sold for $2.50. The most durable work shirt. Extra heavy wash chambray in blue or gray, also in silky black sateen. Cut extra long and wide; extra large double yoke in back as shown with 10 ventilating holes in back and 6 in front. Two large pockets. Every seam triple sewed; long facing on sleeves. You can buy no more durable shirt.

[[image - drawing]]

$1.00 Regular $1.50 value HENDAN Work Shirt
Good weight blue and gray chambray, buttoned down collar, faced sleeves, two pockets—as shown at right.

$2.95 Regular $4.50 value HENDAN Flannel Shirt.
Another lot of these wonderful shirts on sale Monday; several colors. Save money now. Buy for your trip to the mountains or for next season.


$4.50 A positive $5.50 value Army Shirt.
Splendid quality wool mixed olive drab flannel, patched elbows, breast lined. For soldiers, cadets and civilians.

We are ready to prove to you that we can save you money on shirts.

Main Floor.


"Stronghold" Overalls $1.50

We Have Sold Over 3500 Pairs the Last Two Weeks
They're heavy indigo blue denim, high or low back and the usual $2.25 to $2.50 values.

"BOSS" carpenters' Overalls, brown covert cloth. Special ................ $1.50
EXPRESSMEN'S STRIPE and carpenters' white Overalls... $1.95 and $1.75
"STRONGHOLD" one-piece Overall Suit, blue and white stripes........... $2.45
"KANT-RIP 'EM" khaki one-piece Overall Suit.................... $2.45
"STRONGHOLD" khaki Overall Suit........... $2.95

Prices That Mean a Big Saving

[[image - drawing]]

Men's Socks, black, with triple linen heels and toes, 3prs. $1.00, or pr....... 35c
Men's Socks, cotton lisle, black and colors, 25c value, 2pr....................... 35c
Men's Socks, black cashmere, gray heels, 50c quality, for........................ 25c
Men's Socks, such well known brands as "Radium," "Saxon" and "Black Cat," black and all colors, special........... 20c
Men's Socks, heavy, black, white and tan, dandy work socks, 2pr........................ 25c

Sheffield steel bayonet Butcher Knives, 75c; others as low as 15c. 14-qt. heavy galvanized Pails, 95c; 12-qt white enamel Pails, 95c. Aluminum Dippers, 10c and 15c; Vinegar Cruets and Mustard Jars, 20c. 7-inch Dressing Combs, 10c, 15c and 25c; Hair Brushes, 15c and 25c.

—Economy Basement—


[[image - drawing]]

The Most Popular AUTO TENT $10.75

We Make Our Own Tents, Paulins and Other Canvas Goods.

[[image - drawing]]

Regular 60c Value.

Gold Medal Cot .................. $4.00
Steamer Chair .................... 1.75
Hodgman Air Beds........$20.00 to 35.00
Standard Auto Trunk ............ 5.95
$3.00 Folding Camp Stove ........ 2.25
Everything the outdoor man wants. ....


Have seen service but are in good condition. New laces. Cost originally $1.00 to $2.00. Also lot of U. S. Army leggings with leather on one side, good condition, would cost new $4.50; special ...................................... 50c

Third Floor

We sell only GOOD shoes, made from serviceable material throughout. There are a lot of shoes sold that are NOT this kind. Hundreds of people buy all their shoes from us. We want to sell you your shoes. May we?

[[image - drawing]]

Men's Shoes—Army, work and dress—solid shoes, to stand the service you have a right to expect.

Army Shoes, Munson last, all solid, neat and our biggest seller.................... $5.95
OUR BIG SPECIAL, $5.50 value work shoe, full bellows tongue, Goodyear welt, all solid and a friend maker..................... $4.00
Other work shoes at $3.50, $4.75 and up.


Our Boys' Army Shoe is the most suitable shoe for boys. It has style, looks neat and stands up under hard service. Sized 2 1/2 to 6, $3.50; sizes 12 1/2 to 2, price...................... $3.25

Full line of boys' shoes.



Men's Dress Shoe, English last; black or tan; neat and a big value......... $5.50
Men's Tan Lotus Army Shoe; nice and easy on the feet; full stock...... $7.00
Men's Black Vici Kid; Goodyear welt, pretty toe; lace; a popular shoe............. $5.50

Men's Plain Toe Shoe, built for comfort; very wide and easy; for men who have foot trouble. Special $6.50. 

[[image - drawing]]



[[image - drawing]]

Ladies' gunmetal lace, cap toe, Goodyear welt, Cuban heel; very stylish and moderately priced......... $4.45
Girls' tan lace, rubber soles and heels, common sense heels; suitable for girls and little women. Price.......... $5.50
A stylish new shoe for women; fine quality black kid, lace, Cuban heel; a pretty shoe........... $5.95
Women's $8.00 quality brown kid, lace; hand turned soles, Cuban heels, 8-in. top. Price ......... $6.95

[[image - drawing]]


$4.00 Like cut. Misses' Gunmental shoe, Goodyear welt, mat calf uppers, low heels, medium wide toe.
$3.50 Misses' and Little Gents' Black Gunmetal Button Shoe: full stock; Goodyear welt. Sizes 11 1/2 to 2.
$4.00 Misses' Buster Brown School shoe; Gunmetal, Goodyear welt, low heels.
$4.95 Misses' and Little Gents' $5.50 value Tan Lace, wide soft toe, low heel; Goodyear welt.