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FEBRUARY 19, 1935.-[PART I.]


SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 18. (Exclusive)-Condensation of evidence on which a naval court will base its conclusions regarding the cause of the Macon crash probably will be placed before the court at Los Angeles Harbor later this month. Judge-Advocate Gatch so indicated today as hearings on the U.S.S. Tennessee were concluded here and the court prepared to move tomorrow to Sunnyvale air base for additional testimony.

The fleet is scheduled to leave for the South Saturday, and Commander Gatch said he does not expect to be able to complete his summation of testimony before that time.

Lieut. Calvin M. Bolster, construction expert, was recalled to the stand today for lengthy cross-examination on his structural weakness theory and clung steadfastly to that opinion.

Lieutenant-Commander Scott Peck, navigation officer who first expressed the theory, in an interview, testified, but no one asked him for his opinion. His theory already is in the record.

Additional support to it was given by Lieut. Anthony L. Danis, aerologist, who testified the "lurch" which preceded loss of control could not have been caused by weather conditions, but resulted, in his opinion, from a structural failure.

Other witnesses added nothing new to the record.
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