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When a fellow's a flyer as well as a singer both he and his airplane occasionally need a little tuning up
  So yesterday Robert Crawford, concert baritone who is jogging about the country by plane keeping concert engagements, dropped in at Grand Central Air Terminal to have a thorough check of his plane before he leaves tomorrow for engagements in Kansas, Illinois and New York.
  And besides, he is soaking up a couple of days of California's sunshine for his own benefit.
  Crawford learned about frequent checking of planes when his motor quit on him over Los Angeles two years ago and he had to land on the Union Station site.
  He was married a year ago and his wife, also a flyer, accompanies him on his trips and spells him at the controls. Their present jaunt has taken them through twenty-three States, as far south as El Paso and from there to Salt Lake City before coming here. They own their plane