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FAMOUS FLYERS SAY "get a Lift with a Camel!"
- From dawn to dusk - from Newark Airport to Miami and return is 15 hours and 16 minutes!  That's the record held by Chief Pilot E.H. Parker, of the Eastern AirLines.  But let him tell you about transport flying and how Camels help him through the strain.  In his own words: "The steady grind of transport flying takes stamina - vitality-nerves that never waver. must arrive on time, and it's the pilot's duty to see that they do!  There are plenty of times when I get tired.  Then I smoke a Camel.  For I have always noticed that Camels help a lot in easing the strain and renewing my 'pep.'  I can go on with the more alertness and vigor.  I smoke Camels a lot.  They taste so good, and never affect my nerves."
[[image]]COL. ROSCOE TURNER, holder of many records, including the transcontinental records west-to-east and east-to-west, says: "A speed flier uses up energy just as his motor uses 'gas.'  Smoking a Camel gives one a 'refill' on energy.  I smoke Camels all I want.  They never upset my nerves."
"Cam[[??]] are made from finer, [[??]] EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS - Turkish and Domestic - than any other popular brand."
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Enjoy the Camel Caravan featuring Walter O'Keefe, Annette Hanshaw, and Glen Gray's Casa Lorna Orchestra over coast-to-coast WABC-Columbia Network.
10:00P.M. E.S.T.|9:00 P.M. E.S.T.
9:00 P.M. C.S.T.|8:00 P.M. C.S.T.
8:00 P.M. M.S.T.|9:30 P.M. M.S.T.
7:00 P.M. P.S.T.|8:30 P.M. P.S.T.
SPORTSWOMAN PILOT, Mrs. Theodore W. Kenyon, champion air woman: "After a strenuous flight, a Camel restores my energy.  And each Camel renews the enjoyment of the last!"
[[image]] SIR CHARLES KINGSFORD-Smith, famous flier who holds the record from Australia to California - 7300 miles in 51 hours - says: "Once you've had a real chance to appreciate the mild, mellow flavor of Camels, no other type of smoke seems to satisfy.  I always want a camel, especially when I'm fatigued.  They refresh me so.  Camels are my 'supercharger' - they lift up my vim - give me a new energy and 'go.'  And they are so mild that I can smoke any number of Camels without throwing my nerves off key."
[[image]] WILEY POST, famous flier who holds the 'round-the-world record, says: "Smoking Camels for so long,  I never worry about healthy nerves - and I'm a constant smoker, too.  Camels are made from more expensive tobaccos.  You can tell it in their mildness and taste and in fact that Camels never jangle the nerves!"
Copyright, 1935
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
Winston-Salem, N.C.

Transcription Notes:
one page contains multiple images with associated quotes