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[[Picture of Amelia Earhart next to her plane, showing the propeller]]
[[Caption]] Amelia Earhart looks over her plan at Honolulu. The motor will have to keep "percing" on her proposed flight from the islands to California.
Wide World Photo

Kennedy, who was accompanied here by A.G. Budge, vice-president of Castle and Cook, Ltd., Matson commercial subsidiary in Honolulu, said the object of his visit is to meet Col. Young and discuss plans for the inauguration of the service, which tentatively has been scheduled for next April.


Kennedy revealed that the air route has been charted, and that three huge Martin "flying boats" are under construction for use in the service.

In addition, he said, a Sikorsky seaplane soon will be brought here from the Pan-American base at Miami, Fla., for use in making test flights over the transoceanic route. The Sikorsky at present, he said, is being flown over the Miami-Porto Rico route as a training ship for pilots who will be used in the new trans-Pacific service.


Kennedy also revealed that Kameohe Bay has been selected as the Hawaiian Island base for the California-China air line. Work is under way on the construction of depot facilities there.

Both Los Angeles and San Francisco will be used as California terminals, he said. Land ships will be used to transport passengers, express and mail between the two cities upon the arrival of seaplanes at either base.


Five way-stops will be made between California and Canton, China, over the new airway, Kennedy said. Leaving Los Angeles or San Francisco, the plane [?]...
When she finally sighted land, it was thought she was in the vicinity of Santa Cruz, but subsequently developments proved her to have been considerably north of Monterey Bay. Those waiting at the airport were unaware of this however

WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. (AP) -

The creation of regular aviation passenger service across both the Atlantic and Pacific - aided by Federal subsidies for both dirigible and airplane building and operation - was reported reliably tonight to have been approved by President Roosevelt.

In a move assertedly designed to help this country meet the competition of foreign "super" surface lines, it was said the President will suggest to Congress next week the construction of a giant dirigible. It would be turned over to a private company for regular passenger service to Europe.

As part of the same plan, it was said, officials hoped government aid would make possible the establishment next summer of heavier-than air service between the Pacific Coast and Hawaii and from the east coast of Europe via Bermuda and the Azores. The subsidies would be in addition to mail payments.

Usually reliable sources, who did not care to be quoted by name, said today the President had approved these and other proposals of his policy-forming aviation commission. Members of the commission held their final conference with him today. The report is to be sent to Congress with a special message next week.

Other recommendations in the report were asserted to be:

Creation of a permanent aviation commission which could be merged later by executive order with an expanded interstate commission...given control over all other forms of transportation;

Repeal of the Black-McKellar airmail law's ban on companies holding more than one main-line airmail contract or two secondary contracts;

Modification of the law requiring competitive bidding for service aircraft contracts to permit negotiated bidding at the discretion of the Federal department concerned;

Increasing the number of army and navy planes to 4000, and building a small dirigible for training purposes;

The giant transoceanic dirigible recommended by the commission would be the same size as the new Zeppelin now building in Germany, which is one and one-half times larger than the Graf Zeppelin. The latter craft has maintained regular passenger and express service between Germany and South American for several years.

If the American and German dirigibles were used in joint service, at least one flight a week could be maintained in each direction, it was said.

The plan calls for navy officer receiving training by Dr. Hugo Eckener, commander of the Graf Zeppelin, when he urged the commission to recommend construction of the craft.

It is reported that the proposed aviation commission would have at ;east five members, and two members of the present agency are [?] to be under consideration for permanent posts.

May 23, 1936 - [Part II.] 3
[[Picture of Amelia Earhart and her husband George Putnam]]
[[Caption]] Here to inspect a new airplane being built for her at a local factory, Amelia Earhart, American's foremost woman flyer arrived in Los Angeles yesterday accompanied by her husband, George Putnam.
Times Photo [[/Caption]]


Miss Earhart Says Plans Depend on New Purdue Research Plane

Denying reports she plans to make a globe-girdling flight, Amelia Earhart, America's foremost woman flyer, arrived at Union Air Terminal yesterday to inspect the new airplane being built for her here.

"I have no immediate plans for the future," she commented, "Except to get to the home we are having remodeled at Toluca Lake."

Miss Earhart, accompanied by her husband, George Palmer Putnam, former publisher, was flown to Los Angeles from Salt lake City by Paul Mantz in the same monoplane in which she flew over both the Pacific and Atlantic.

Miss Earhart said her plans for immediate future are vague owing to the fact that they depend upon Purdue University Research Foundation which is purchasing her new plane for her.

The plane is a Lockheed Electra being converted into a flying laboratory. She will inspect the ship, which is 80 per cent completed, Monday.

For Trans-Pacific Flight
[[Picture of Amelia Earhart]]
[[Caption]] Amelia Earhart finishes tuning up her plane before it is shipped from Los Angeles Harbor to Honolulu for her proposed air dash from Hawaii to Oakland.
...hours of anxious waiting and confusion over her whereabouts, it set up a mighty cheer and surged onto the field.

The cockpit popped open and Miss Earhart met the oncoming hundreds with a smiling face. The feminine instinct asserted itself in the death daring aviatrix and she pulled a comb out of her heavy fur flying suit and fixed up her tousled, blonde locks.

She didn't waste a foot of distance or a second of time. She did not circle the field as a gesture of delight over her extraordinary and exciting feat. She slid straight down to the runway and drove the plane to the very doors of a hangar.

Field Is Bedlam

For a moment it looked like the crowd might jam madly into the whizzing propeller, but it stopped just short of the danger line.

The field was a Bedlam of noise, cheers, and action, colored with uncounted bouquets of American Beauty roses and other flowers for the woman who became "one up" on the male flying fraternity.

Amelia's hair didn't need much combing despite her long overseas trek and the plane stopped only for an instant before being eased into the hangar.

First one door of the hangar was slammed shut and then the other, cutting Miss Earhart and her plane off from the milling crowd.

Many Persons reached the side of her plane and managed to grasp her hand and say a word or two before the police closed in.

"I'm tired," were her first words.

Much Gasoline Left

"But I had enough gasoline left to have lasted several hours," she said, despite the fact that apprehension had arisen because of her long radio silence and the lack of position reports during the last three hours of the flight.

A police escort took her in hand and sped to an Oakland hotel.

Her landing here disposed of a plan disclosed early this morning by her husband, George Palmer Putnam...

you knew Amelia, you wou...
..stand why I didn't worry
.. "My only uneasy m..
..was when it was announced
..the radio that the flying fle..
..onolulu was muddy. what a terrible time she'd
getting that heavily loaded
off the ground. But once
was up in the air everything
..all right. Amelia isn't the kind...
[[this is the bottom right-hand corner of the page]]

[[Caption]] Col. Clarence M. Young, former director of aeronautics,Department of Commerce, named manager of airline to link California with Orient.
[[this is in the middle of the page]]

...Radio...Night, She Says, Telling of Dodging Fog

...of failing to report to the grain futures administration, it has the power to bar him from trading on the Chicago Board of Trade and other exchanges.

Cutten, reputed to be many times a millionaire, sat quietly through closing arguments today. He whispered occasionally to his attorneys, folded his arms and watched the Cabinet officers closely. He frowned [[?]] and closed his eyes when photographers stepped close with their cameras. Few pictures of Cutten ever have been taken.

...Temperature Change; tomorrow to Be Cloudy; Above Camp Baldy
[[/Caption]] is to be the rule to- [[?]]...the Weather Bureau forecast yesterday [[?]], but tomorrow it will be windy [[?]]. Little change in temperature is expected.
Yesterday's minimum temperature was 48 de. still 3 deg. above...minimum average. It...up with mercury rising to... deg. at noon.
Touring bureaus announced for.

...North to join his share-the-clubs.
   Numerous Washington dispatchers [[?]] have reported that he plans to run [[?]] for President in 1936, and...statement by the Senator some political observers [[?]]his first play for the colored...
   While Huey paraded...
about his three-room suite...
Hotel New Yorker he was...
he knew that Joseph A...
years of age, a Negro preacher [[?]]...
the hear of Harlem, was the...
organized of a Long club [[?]]
   "Can the Negro vote...
North?" he countered...
become members of the...
In fact, we want them...
vote in the South, you know...