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Doolittle Off In Air Mark Bid

Close to Crash at Start

Eleven and One-half Hour Coast-to-Coast Hop Aim of Transport Flight

Narrowly averting a crash when he lifted his heavily laden ship into a windless sky, Maj. James H. (Jimmie) Doolittle, noted pilot, took off at 5:27 p.m. yesterday from Union Air Terminal, Burbank, in an effort to establish a new non-stop coast-to-coast record for passenger transport airplanes. The flyer expected to complete the transcontinental flight in eleven and one-half hours-less than one span around the clock. Should he complete this schedule, he expects to be eating breakfast in New York at 7:57 a.m. today (eastern standard time.)
Four hours after his departure, or 10:32 p.m. (M.S.T.,) Doolittle radioed he was "just south of Pueblo, Colo." 

As he sped eastward officials at Floyd Bennett Field in New York disclosed he would touch his wheels to the ground there first, then cross back to the Newark (N.J.) airport without stopping This formality will officially establish his time to New York City

Fear Grips Crowd

Fear gripped the large crowd at the Burbank Airport when Maj. Doolittle's huge ten-passenger ship, carrying 600 gallons of gasoline and two passengers besides himself, roared down the concrete runways the full length of the field before hurtling slowly into the air.
It missed the high-power transmission lines at the end of the field by only a few inches, seemed to 

Maj. Doolittle

drop again, then nosed slowly skyward into the gathering darkness.
In the ship with the Maj. Doolittle are his wife, Mrs Josephine Doolittle, a veteran of many flights with her husband, and Robert Adamson,
(Continued on Page 3, Column 2)

Doolittle's New Record

Airplane records are hardly written down before they are smashed again. Thus Maj. James Doolittle beats by four minutes Capt Rickenbacker's transport-plane record, reaching New York City from Los Angeles in less than one round of the clock he set 11 hours, 20 minutes as his goal when he left, but his actual time was 29 minutes longer than that

Capt. Rickenbacker's record was made last November, a little more than two months ago. How long Doolittle's will stand is problematical Less than twelve hours from here to New York City is traveling.


Sparrows Delay Doolittle's Hop for Canada

Akron (O.) Nov. 10. [[?]]-A flock of sparrows has delayed Jimmy Doolittle's hunting expedition by air to Northernmost Canada.

The famous speed flyer's plane ran into the sparrows while he was flying here from St. Lois yesterday. The de-icer was damaged, and engineers are repairing it.

Doolittle, with Herburt V. Maxon and Larry Guinther of Akron, and E. C. "Pop" of Cleveland, another aviator, will fly to St. Ignace, Mich. Capt. George Ponsford, aeronatical director of the Canadian Provinces, will fly them in a Canadian government plane to within a few miles

Son of Reeves Dies in Crash

(Continued from the First Page)

the tree to avoid a crash into her home was expressed by Mrs G. W. Nunn, who resides near the highway. "The wheels didn't miss our roof by more than a few feet," she declared.

Tragedy Blow to Brother Living Here

Liet. William C. Reeves, killed yesterday in the crash of his army plane at Burlingame, was the youngest son of Admiral Joseph M Reeves, commander-in-chief of the United States Fleet.

His brother, Joseph M. Reeves, Jr., is an artist here and a lieutenant in the Naval Reserve He lives at 406 North Narmandie Place.

Young Reeves, 26 years of age and unmarried, was on his first flight assignment at Crissey Field, having been graduated with honors from Randolph Field, Texas, a few months ago. He graduated from West Point in 1933 and had attended Virginia Military Institute and St. George Academy, Newport, R.I., the brother said.

Brother Heartbroken

Reeves was heartbroken over the tragedy which killed his brother, "the baby of the family." He was ill in bed, recovering from an intestinal infection when notified.

Efforts were being made to reach Admiral Reeves, who left Washington yesterday en route to Los Angeles.

The mother is in Italy for her health, according to the brother.

Recently Lieut. Reeves met his father's flagship in Panama and accompanied him to the base here. He had gone north just a few days ago.

Classmates' Hero

The youth had won a previous tilt with death while at Randolph Field, his brother related. On that occasion Lieut. Reeves landed safely in his ship on an emergency field, after the craft had caught fire in midair.

Admiral Reeves had been very proud of his son after the incident, and young Reeves had been a hero to his classmates at the Randolph Field, according to his brother.

Interest in aviation runs in the family, the brother said. Admiral Reeves has long been a champion of the naval air service, and a competent flyer.

Ace Wins His "Blind Flying" License


Back in 1929, Maj. James H. (Jimmy) Doolittle, noted flyer, shown here at right, took off, flew and landed a plane solely by the use of four then-new instruments. It was the first demonstration of "blind flying" on record. but not until last week did he obtain a "blind flying" license from the Department of Commerce. He went to the school operated by Joe Plosser, shown with him in the center of this group. The third man is James Kinney, department official, who conducted the examination.

Doolittle Goes to School

Noted Flyer Qualified for "Blind" Air License Before Latest Record-Breaking Hop

Although he ranks high among the country's aces, Maj. James H. (Jimmy) Doolittle had to "go to school" and pass his "exams" just before hopping off Monday on his record-breaking transcontinental flight, it was disclosed here yesterday.

He had to satisfy the Department of Commerce Bureau of Aeronautics that he can fly a transport plane "blind". 

Held "Blind" Record

Piloting a ship with the aid of scientific instruments is one thing with the department, and "blind flying" is another-and, despite his years of experience at the controls of all manner of planes, Maj. Doolittle had never obtained a "blind flying" lciense [[license]]. 

By a strange coincidence, too, Maj. Doolittle is listed in the records as having been the first pilot to make a "blind" take-off and a "blind" landing. He accomplished this in New York September 25, 1929, under auspices of the Guggenheim Foundation.

Awarded License

Maj. Doolittle enrolled in the school operated by Joe Plosser at Grand Central Air Terminal, Glendale.

For seven hours he performed under the official eye of James Kinney, representing the Department of Commerce, and Kinney awarded him the "blind flying" license.

Born in Alameda, Cal., December 14, 1896, Doolittle received his education in Nome, Alaska, Los Angeles, University of California and the Massachuseetts [[Massachusetts]] Institute of Technology. He holds several degrees, including B.A., M. Sc., D.F.Sc. He also is a fellow in aeronautical engineering of M.I.T.