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they believe in everything but NRA and social justice. He tries to keep up his Junior College work, art, cartoons and his weekly contrib. to the screens in the P E stations at 4th and Hill and 6th and Main, so I cannot insist that he continue being walked over. Our darling Mary seems to be well, at last. After spending the better part of the past 3 years in hospitals, etc., etc., with 14 operations and more than 100 X ray's, her case has finally been closed and her case dismissed, as cured. Thank God for that, but with these osteomyelitis affairs, there are often flare up's, so I am holding my breath. She is as slender as a reed, but is apparently well and dances around on her toes like a Pavlowa. You should hear her do some imitation Milt Gross stuff Roger wrote for his English. By the way, I always tune in on Milton Charles, and if this is your Henry's brother, you will see I am with you often, thru' him. I shall always remember the day your mother called me over to hear him play. Well, it's Sunday A M and I've been working out in the garden for hours. Now I must corrall the rest of the family and go to church. My love to your mother and please do not feel that you have to answer my scrawl. I know how busy you are. Just think of us sometimes.
   Love you.
          As always, ETA