Viewing page 117 of 134

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[[photograph of couple]]
V. J. Sinn of Oakland, a seaman aboard the cruiser U.S.S. Richmond, first vessel to reach the scene of the Macon disaster, shows his wife a bit of rubber life-raft covering on which he wrote his impressions of the rescue and also obtained the signatures of the many of the men rescued by the Richmond. 
(P) Wirephoto.

[[partially covered]] to Convoy Flee for Maneuvers
SAN DIEGO, Dec. 2-The Macon is due here tomorrow on a preliminary cruise before heading north Wednesday with the fleet on a cruise to San Francisco for maneuvers between there and San Pedro, the Eleventh Naval District headquarters announced today.
Sailing Wednesday are the U.S.S. Memphis, Omaha, Detroit, Cincinnati, Marblehead, Melville, Altair, Cuyama, Langley, Neches, Bainbridge, Blakely, Barney, Bernadou, Biddle, Boggs, Breckenridge, Chandler, McCormick, McFarland, Phillip, Brant, Cole, Decatur, Dent, Dorsey, Dupont, Litchfield, Lea, Long, McLeish, Lawerence, Lamberton, Reuben, James, Kane, King, Hovey, Hopkins, Elliott, Evans, Greer, Goff and Hatfield.

[[photograph of a man's face]]



Navy to Profit by Experience

Judge Advocate Declares Disaster Will Help to Improve Airships

SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 21. (U.P.) Loss of the dirigible Macon off Point Sur was a "profit and loss" experiment that will enable the Navy to improve lighter-than-air craft construction, Lieutenant-Commander L. T. Gatch told a naval board inquiry today in summarizing testimony of the eighty-one Macon survivors.

Commenting on the statements of the survivors, Gatch said:
"The loss then was due to a defect in design which resulted from the state of airship design at the time the Macon was built.

"It was as well designed as possible, therefore no responsibility can be fixed.

"In conclusion, the evidence is that the wreck of the Macon simply can be charged to profit and loss and if we build another airship we can build her a lot better."

Lieutenant-Commander Gatch. judge advocate of the board, said the defect in design was due to the fact that "the forward part of the upper fin was not sufficiently secured against lateral pressure."

"This defect could have been eliminated in three ways," he said. "First, external wire braces to the forward part of the fin; second, reduce the area to the forward part of the fin; or third, more substantial support to the whole structure."

Workers at the Sunnyvale base of the $2,450,000 craft were engaged in the latter undertaking at the time of the crash, he said.

"I think the preponderance of evidence shows there was a gust of wind," Gatch said in commenting on testimony that a sudden swirl of wind and rain struck the ship immediately before a break occurred in the stern structure of the ship.
 "The initial failure of Frame 17 1/2 was either in the fin above or in the frame itself...The board may find the cause was a sudden lateral pressure on the front portion of the upper fin."

Gatch paid tribute to the discipline and bravery of the Macon's crew. He commented that the two men lost in the crash were killed "in the line of duty."

After the hearing, Commander Herbert V. Wiley, master of the Macon, informally commented that he does not believe the United States should abandon construction of lighter-than-air craft.

"It is too important an arm of the Navy to be given up," he said.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. (U.P.)-The Navy has made no decision on the future use of the Sunnyvale (Cal.) dirigible base, officials said tonight.

It was indicated the question will not be decided until after the naval board of inquiry has brought in its findings in the Macon disaster. Officials said they have not had time to give the matter any consideration, but it is admitted unofficially that political pressure may be brought to convert the base into a landing field and base for airplanes.

SUNNYVALE, Nov. 5. (AP)-The Navy dirigible Macon left the air base here a few minutes before 5 p.m., today for Camp Kearney, San Diego, and a training cruise at sea. The airship will moor at San Diego tomorrow afternoon.
The schedule then calls for a sea cruise and contact with the fleet, en route north from Panama. 

Momento of Lost Dirigible
[[photo of a woman with a stool]]
Miss Lucille Clement of Oakland possesses stool salvaged during rescue of survivors of ill-fated Macon. It was presented to her by E. O. Mills, her uncle, who is a fireman aboard the U.S.S. Cincinnati. 
[A. P. photo]

[[partially cut off page]]
[[cut off]]sh interest was awakened [[cut off]] y in the Shell Oil Com[[cut off]]Stephens No. 1 wildcat,[[cut off]]t of Bakersfield, when re [[cut off]]m Bakersfield made known [[cut off]]company is having special [[cut off]]nt built in Los Angeles for [[cut off]]coming production of [[cut off]]

[[cut off]]pecial equipment, according[[cut off]]icial reports, for the com[[cut off]] refused to give information [[cut off]]ng its activities, is decided [[cut off]] tionary in its nature. It is [[cut off]]e a gigantic "fountain pen" [[cut off]]iefly of flexible rubber or [[cut off]]composition and perforated [[cut off]]t the entrance of oil from [[cut off]]s.

[[cut off]]evice, said to be the first [[cut off]]nd ever to be used in any [[cut off]]will be fifty feet long and [[cut off]]nches in diameter, and in [[cut off]]of a section of perforated [[cut off]] This will be slipped down [[cut off]]m of the hole, somewhere [[cut off]]8 feet, it is reported, and [[cut off]]making a test. Should the [[cut off]]nsuccessful, technical men [[cut off]]flexible liner could easily [[cut off]]d out with drilling tools, [[cut off]]hole drilled deeper.

[[cut off]]ports, in some measure, ac [[cut off]]or the fact that the com [[cut off]]s been reaming the hole [[cut off]]ly its entire depth, to a [[cut off]]of twelve and one-quar[[cut off]]s, an unusual diameter to [[cut off]] such a depth. The hole [[cut off]]ed to have a substan [[cut off]]ing of oil sand near bot [[cut off]] is situated on Section 29, [[cut off]]rn county.

[[cut off]]ls Planned
[[cut off]]ow practically an assured [[cut off]] at least five new wells [[cut off]]aunced within the next [[cut off]]ys, in the new oil field south [[cut off]] Maria, by the group of [[cut off]] lease-holders. - Union, [[cut off]] Bush and Macrate.

[[cut off]]erators are planning this [[cut off]] wells for exploratory pur [[cut off]]e idea being to so spread [[cut off]]r the structure as to ob[[cut off]] maximum amount of ex [[cut off]] value per dollar invested. [[cut off]]or pipe lines into the field [[cut off]]n tentatively made, but [[cut off]] that economy of pipe-line [[cut off]] hardly be accomplished [[cut off]]e determination has been [[cut off]]to what portion of the [[cut off]] deliver the bulk of the [[cut off]]is said that at least twen [[cut off]] of unnecessary line might [[cut off]]f an effort were made at [[cut off]] to determine the proper [[cut off]] a line.

[[cut off]]night take the oil down to [[cut off]]rough a short section of [[cut off]] line, but there are said [[cut off]]acilities at Orcutt for han[[cut off]] amount of oil the new [[cut off]]t deliver. The Associated [[cut off]]any might come into the [[cut off]] its line in the direction
[[end of column cut off]]

New York Curb Price [[cut off]]

(continued from Eighteenth Page)
[[5 Column Table]]
Sunray Oil|12|4 1/2|4 1/4|4 1/2|
Sunshine Mng.|3| 18 3/4|...|...|
Swiss-Am. El. pfd|2|66|...|...|
Swiss Oil Corp|5|5|4 5/8|5|
Tastyeast A|8|3 3/8|3 1/4|3 3/8|
Taylor Dist|12|5 7/8|5 1/2| 5 7/8|
Technicolor|13|28 7/8|28 5/8|28 7/8|
Teck-Hugh G.|2|4 5/8|....|....|
Texas Gulf Prod|8|5|4 7/8|5|
Texon Oil|1|6 1/2|....|....|
Tob. Prod. Exp,|4|3 3/8|3 1/4|3 3/8|
Todd Ship|.50|36|....|....|
Tom Moore Dist|1|10 1/8|....|....|
Tonopah Belm.|1|1/8|....|....|
Tonopah Min.|3|1|15-16|....|
Trans-Lux.|10|4 3/8|4 1/4|4 3/8|
Tung.-Sol. Lamp|1|9 1/4|....|....|
Twin Coach|3|12|....|....|
Unit. Corp. war|1|1 3/8|....|....|
United Gas|34|7 3/4|7 3/8|7 3/4|
  United Gas war.|2|2|....|....|
  United Gas pfd|1|100 1/2|....|....|
Un. Lt. & Pow. A|12|5 5/8|5 1/2|5 5/8|
  Un. Lt. & Pow. A cvt. pfd|4|42 1/2|41 7/8|42 1/2|
Unit. Shoe M|1.75|86|....|....|
Unit Shoe M pfd|.20|41|....|....|
U. S. & Int. Sec|2|2 1/8|....|....|
U. S. Foil B|4|16 3/4|16 5/8|16 3/4|
U. S. Lines pfd|1|2|....|....|
U. S. Rad. pfd|1.50|20|19 1/4|....|
U. S. Rub. Recl|1|3 3/4|....|....|
Unit. Stores vtc|6|1|....|....|
Unit. Verde Ext|1|3 3/4|....|....|
Unit. Wall Paper|6|5|4 7/8|....|
Utah Radio Prod|1|2 3/4|....|....|
Util. Power & Lt.|5|1 3/4|1 1/2|1 5/8|
  Util. Power & Lt. pfd|1|22 1/4|22|....|
Venezuela Pet.|5|1 3/4|....|....|
Vogt Mfg.|1|18|....|....|
Waitt & B. A|2|8 1/2|....|....|
Wayne Pump|33|29 1/8|28|28 3/4|
West Va. C.&C|1|3 1/2|....|....|
West. Auto Sup. A|.50|39 1/4|....|....|
Wms. Oil-O-Mat|1|10 5/8|....|....|
Wil-Low Caf. pfd|1|6 3/4|....|....|
Wright Harg.|16|8 1/4|8 1/8|....|
Yukon Gold|17|2|....|....|

New York Curb Bonds
[[5 Column Table]]
   |Sales (in $1000)|High|Low|Last|
Ala. Power 5s '46|1|103 1/2|....|....|
Ala. Power. 5s '61|16|99|98 5/8|....|
Ala. Power 5s '68|9|86 1/2|85 3/4| 86 1/2|
Ala. Power 4 1/2s '67|13|79 1/2|79 1/4|79 1/2|
Ala. Power 5s '56|15|99|98 1/4|....|
Alumin. Co. 5s '52|2|106 1/4|106 1/8|....|
Am. G.&E. 5s 2028|16|108|....|....|
Am. P.&L. 6s 2016|8|97 3/4|97 1/4|97 5/8|
Am. Rad. 4 1/2s '47|2|103 7/8|....|....|
Am. Roll. M. 5s '48|1|104 1/2|....|....|
Am. Seat. 6s'46 stp.|7|103|....|....|
Ap. El. Pow. 5s '56|1|106 1/2|....|....|
Ark. P.&L. 5s '56|3|101 3/8|101 1/4|101 3/8|
Assoc. El. 4 1/2s '53|6|57 3/4|57|....|
Assoc. G.&E. 5 1/2s
  '38 IC|2|47 1/2|....|....|
Assoc. G.&E. 5s '50|13|39 5/8|39 1/8|39 1/2|
Assoc. G.&E. 5s '68|6|39 1/4|39|39 1/4|
Assoc. G.&E. 4 1/2s '49 C|18|37|36 1/2|....|
Assoc. Rayon 5s '50|25|85|....|....|
Assoc. T.&T. 5 1/2s '55 A|2|84|....|....|
Atlas Ply. 5 1/2s '43|1|99|....|....|
Baldwin Loc. 6s
  '38 w.w|15|82 3/4|81 3/8|....|
Baldwin Loc. 6s '38 xw|17|80|79|80
Baldwin Loc. 6s '38 xw st.|2|80|....|....|
Bell T.Can. 5s '55 A|1|115|....|....|
Bell T.Can. 5s '60 C|1|122 1/4|....|....|
Bing.L.H.&P. 5s'46|8|106 3/4|....|....|
Birm. El. 4 1/2s '68|11|91 7/8|91 1/2|91 7/8|
Birm. Gas 5s '59|3|82 1/2|....|....|
Can. Nor. P. 5s '53|4|104 3/8|104|....|
Can. Pac. 6s '42|12|111|110 7/8|....|
Caro. P.&L. 5s '56|8|101 1/2|101 1/4|101 1/2|
Ced. R. Mfg. 5s '53|2|112 1/8|....|....|
Cen.Ill.P.S. 5s'56 E|8|102 3/4|102 1/2|102 3/4|
Cen.Ill.P.S. 5s '68 G|24|102 3/8|101 7/8|102 3/8|
Cen.Ill.P.S. 4 1/2s '81 H|5|99 1/4|....|....|
Cen.Ill.P.S. 4 1/2s '67 F|22|99 1/4|99|....|
Cen. Me. 4 1/2s '57 E|1|104 1/2|....|....|
Cen.Oh.L.&P. 5s'50|1|98 5/8|....|....|
Cen. P.&L. 5s '56|13|89|88 3/8|89|
Cen. St. Ei. 5 1/2s'54|10|66 1/4|66|....|
Cen. St. Ei. 5s '48|11|64 1/8|64|....|
Cen. St. P. & L.
  5 1/2s '53|11|70 1/4|69 1/2|70 1/4|
Cities Ser. 5s '66|4|78|77 3/4|....|
Cities Ser. 5s '50|57|77 3/8|77|77 1/4|
Cit.S.Gas 5 1/2s '42|17|101|100 3/4|....|
Cit.S.G.Pipe 6s '43|1|104 1/4|....|....|
Cit.S.P.&L. 5 1/2s '49|2|72 1/2|72 1/4|....|
Cit.S.Pow. 5 1/2s'52|18|72 5/8|72 1/8|72 5/8|
Comw. Ed. 4s '81 F|15|107 1/2|107 1/4|107 1/2|
Comw. Ed. 3 3/4s '65 H|13|105 5/8|105 1/2|105 5/8|
Com.Sub. 5 1/2s'48 A|2|104|....|....|
[partially cut off]Com P.&L. 5s '57|6|69 5/8|69 1/2|69 5/8|

[[4 Column Table]]
[page partially obstructed at right edge]
  '49 A|12|102|10
Pug. Sd. P. & L.
5 1/2 S '49|13|91 7/8|9
Pug. Sd. P. & L. 5s '50 C |14| 87 1/2| 8
Pug. Sd. P. & L. 4 1/2 S '50 D |3|84|..
Que. Pow. 5s '68 A|1|105|

Safe H.W. 4 1/2 s '79|1|106 3/4| ..
Scripps 5 1/2s '43 |14|102 1/2| 10[[cut off]]
Shaw W.&P. 4 1/2s '67 A|8|103 5/8|10[[cut off]]
Shaw W.&P.Do. 4 1/2s '68 B |2 103 1/4|..
S. E. P.&L. 6s 2025 A|16|106 3/4|106
S. Cal. Ed. 3 3/4s '45 |1|105 1/2|..
S. Cal. Ed. 3 3/4s '60 |22|104 1/8|10[[cut off]]
S. Cal. Ed. 4s '60 |1 |109|
So. Cnty, Gas Cal.4 1/2s '68|1 103 3/8|..
So. Ind. Ry. 4s '51|3|76 1/2|76
So. Nat. Gas 6s '44|2|103|..
S.W.A.Tel. 5s '61 A|2|97|..
S.W.L.&P. 5s '57 A|2|102|..
S.W. P.&L. 6s 2022 A|1|97|..
Stand. G.&E. 6s '35|5|71|70
Stand. G.&E. 6s '25 ctf |1|68 1/2|..
Stand. G.&E. 6s '51|4|67 1/2| ..
Stand. G.&E. 6s '66|2|66 1/2|  ..
Stand. P.&L. 6s '57|1|64 3/4|  ..
Stand. Tel. 5 1/2s '43|1|60 1/2|..
Superpw.Ill. 4 1/2s'68|1|105|   ..
Tenn. El. P. 5s '56|2|93 1/4|  93
Tex. El. S. 5s '60|3|102 5/8| 102
Tex. P.&L. 5s '56|2|105 3/4|..
Tide W.P. 5s '79 A|2|100 1/2| ..
Toledo Ed. 5s '62|5|107 1/4| 107
Twin C.R.T. 5 1/2s '52 A|20|  80 1/2|80

Ulen 6s '44 3d stp.|1|60 1/4|..
Un. El. N.J. 4s '49|2|115 3/8| ..
Un. L.&P. 6 1/2s '74|2|89|..
Un. L.&P. 6s '75|4|86|85
Un. L.&P. 5 1/2s '59|1|103 1/2|  ..
Un. L.&Ry. 5 1/2s'52|13|87 3/4|  87
Un. L.&Ry. 6s '73 A|4|83|82
U. S. Rub. 6 1/2s '39|5|103 7/8|..
Utah P.&L. 6s 2022 A|2|98 1/8|  98
Valvolin Oil 7s '37|2|98 1/2|  98
Va. P.S. 5 1/2s '46 A|6|99|98
Ward Bak. 6s '37|1|104 7/8|..
W.Newsp.Un. 6s '44|6|92|..
W.Tex.Ut. 5s '57 A|6|92|..
Wisc. P.&L. 5s'58 F|3|103 3/8|  ..
Yadkin R. P. 5s '41|2|106 3/4|  ..

Buenos Aires Prov.7 1/2s '47| stp.|22|67|66
Cen.Bk.Ger. 6s'52 A|1|25 1/2| ..
Cen.Bk.Ger.6s '51 B|3|27|..
Cub. Tel. 7 1/2s'41 A|2|99|98
Danish Con. 5s '53|1|96|..
Europ. El. 6 1/2s '65|17|100 1/2|95
Ger. C. Mun. 7s '47|1|18 3/4|  ..
Gesfuerel 6s '53|1|29|..
Guan.&W.R. 6s '58|5|50|..
Isarco H.-El. 7s '52|6|59|58
Isotta Fras. 7s '42|40|65|..
It. Sup. P. 6s '63 A|5|48 5/8|  48
Lima Peru 6 1/2s '58|1|10|..
Lima Peru 6 1/2s '58 ctf.|1|9 3/4|..
Men. Pr. 7 1/2s '51.|5|86 1/2|  ..
Men. Pr.4s '51 stp|6|76 1/2|..
Par. Braz. 7s '58|8|21|..
Ruhr Gas 6 1/2s'53 A|1|25|..
Russ. 6 1/2s N.C. '19|15|   1   ..
Russ. 5 1/2s '21|3|1 1/4|..
San. Chile 7s '49|4|12|..
Stinnes 4s '36 stp|1|64|..
Stinnes 4s '46 stp|2|54 1/4|..
Terni El. 6 1/2s '53.|1|54 1/2|  ..

Total stock sales today, 169,00[[cut off]]
year ago, 244,935 shares. Total b[[cut off]]
today, $2,000,000; year ago. $3,8[[cut off]]

Butter and Eg[[cut off]]

Furnished by Los Angeles Pr[[cut off]] Exchange
May 20, 1936
Extra .........................
Prime firsts ...................
Standards .....................
Undergrade ....................
Large Eggs
1. Candled clean extras ......
2. Candled light dirty extras ....
3. Candled clean standards .....
4. Candled light dirty standards.
5. Candled checks .............
Medium Eggs
1. Candled clean extras ........
2. Candled light dirty extras ....
3. Candled clean standards .....
4. Candled light dirty standards.
5. Candled checks .............
[[page cut off]]

Transcription Notes:
the formatting is difficult to line up correctly