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direction and thus achieve again a fairly stable position for the pound. But if we had stabilization, we lose that freedom; we could not then move either in one direction or the other.

"The result, therefore, of trying to stabilize while this disharmony exists would be that we might fin ourselves in a position where we would be thrown off gold again or compelled to follow a policy of deflation which I am sure you wouldn't advocate."

Famous Dutch Plane Crashes in Iraq

CAIRO, Dec 21 (AP)—The Dutch airplane, the Flying Hotel, crashed yesterday near Rutba Wells, Iraq, and all seven occupants were killed, British Royal Air Force planes reported today. The plane was formerly flown by K. D. Parmentier and J. J. Moll to first place in the London-Melbourne handicap race.

The huge American-built air liner fell during a severe thunderstorm, 10 miles south of Rutba Wells. The plane was en route from Amsterdam to Batavia, Java, and officials of the Royal Dutch Air Lines had hoped to set a record for the flight.

The plane, officially named the "Univers," arrived second in the Melbourne race only to the British plane, which set a new record for the run. As a result of the "Univers's" Melbourne flight, the Dutch air firm, subsidized by the Government, ordered 14 American-built Douglas planes to speed up the East Indies service.


'Snip' Plane Reaches Paramaribo, Starting Service From Europe

PARAMARIBO, Dutch Guians, Dec. 21 (By U.P.)—The vanguard of a Dutch air fleet, to provide regular service between Europe and the Dutch West Indies, rested safely here last night, after an overnight hop from the Cape Verde Islands, off the African coast.

The Fokker plane "Snip," of the K. L. M. line reached here at 9 o'clock a. m. yesterday, completing a 17-hour and 40-minute flight from Porto Praia. Although the crew maintained radio contact with a Dutch liner and submarine, neither were seen because of clouds and low visibility.

After a thunderstorm at dawn, they sighted the coast mountains near Cayenne, French Guiana, and followed the coast line to Paramaribo, where the colonials accorded them a welcome. Some disappointment was expressed, however, when it was revealed that Surinam lacks sufficient traffic tow arrant regular service connecting it with Holland. More favorable conditions prevail at Curaço, for connections with Trinidad and Venezuela.

The "Snip" left Amsterdam early Dec. 16. Bad weather necessitated landings at Marseilles, France, and Alicante, Spain, before reaching Casablanca, Morocco, on Dec. 17th. The hope to Cape Verde was made on Dec. 18th, the fliers glad to reach better weather. After refueling and overhauling, the big ship took off yesterday afternoon. The flight to Curaçao will be made on Saturday, via La Guarya, Venezuela.


AMSTERDAM, Dec. 21 (AP)—Holland's invasion of the South American commercial aviation field was officially under way last night. The Dutch commercial plane which landed at Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana, immediately will be placed in service between Cumaribo, Venezuela, and Willemstad, Dutch West Indies. Other Dutch craft will follow its trail across the Atlantic as the new mail and passenger service is expanded.


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