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21 Covent Ave., N. Y. City,
September 25, 1913.

Exemo. Sr. Liedo. don,
Manuel Estreda Cabrera,
President, Guatemala Republic,
Guatemala City, Guatemala, C.A.

My dear Sir:
        Under date of September 1st, I had the honor to
write in answer to a letter of August 7th last, which I
received from your Excellency.

        Meanwhile, I avail myself of this opportunity
to write and inform your Excellency that I have severed
my connection as Chief-Pilot Instructor with the Moisant
Aviation School, my resignation having taken place on the
2nd inst.
         At present, I intend to lecture for the Educa-
tional Department of the City of New York and for other
different organizations, on the subject of "The Art of 
Practical Flying", a folder of which I enclose, giving
the synopsis of the lecture.

          It gives me great pleasure to announce that during
my experience as Chief Instructor for a period of one year
and five months, I sent up a number of monoplanes with
different pupils and pilots, about 4000 times, covering a
period of about 800 hours spent in the actual use of the
machines. I am glad to say that not more than fifteen
accidents happened during my incumbency as Chief Pilot,
in which only one trifle injury occurred. Also, I am
proud to say that this is the best record that has been
made in a monoplane school yet.

            Hoping that aviation will take a firm hold in
your country, and that its future progress will be insured
under the patriotic zeal and superior leadership of your
Excellency, I have the honor to remain, Dear Sir,

                                  Most respectfully yours,
                                S S Jerwan
