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[[underlined]] ^[[Liechti-]] [[/underlined]]


Paris, May 12th 1936

Messrs Gordon Dadds & C° 
11 & 12 St James's Place,
[[underlined]] LONDON S.W.1. [[/underlined]]

Dear Sirs,

Messrs Jacques Seligmann & Co Inc., 3 East 51rst Street, New York, have addressed to you at the date of March 26th 1936, a statement concerning the debit of Mrs Charles A. Cartwright, amounting to : [[underlined]] $ 1,700 [[/underlined]] (seventeen hundred dollars).

Will you be kind enough and let us know what dispositions you propose taking as regards the New York account.

Awaiting your reply,
Believe us to be, dear Sirs,;
Yours sincerely.