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MEMORANDUM to Mr. Galton
From Mr. Germain Séligmann
Date: April 26th., 1944.

Dear Dave:

Herein new draft for Cassel. Should we agree on it, with whatever changes you want to make, I would like you to make the following notes as regards the possibility of a lawsuit: My contention is that the true reason for Cassel's attitude is his worry that the firm should have made over $300., and that the whole claim he makes that we were his representatives and brokers is just based on this as, as I point out, Georges already in August told him that in view of his prolonged procrastination, the firm had had to buy the tapestry, which I am indicating in this letter, without putting it, of course, in so many words. That therefore, in giving him the possibility of checking up on the profit,he has no further ground for argument. However, before you approve of this letter, please go over the Cassel files, so that we will not write anything which is going to be in contradiction with anything written or inferred in any of our previous letters.
