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October 11th., 1938.

Dear Mr. Castano:

I have this minute returned from France and inquired at once about the Gilbert STUARTs which were forwarded to you in June and am surprised to find that they are still with you.

I understand that quite some time ago you wrote that you had a party who was considering purchasing them. If I am rushing to write you, it is because I have just found on my desk a note from the owner, who wants the paintings back, and furthermore, that we are expecting someone for these same paintings.

This leads to the necessity of coming to a quick decision and I would like you - unless the paintings are sold - to return them to me at once.

Please post me by wire, and, looking forward to hearing from you, I am,

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Séligmann)

Giovanni Castano, Esq.,
171 Newbury Street,
Boston, Mass.